Showing posts with label personal rants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal rants. Show all posts

Monday, February 7, 2011

Thanks Traxx!

Just like to thanks Traxxgalaxy and Slumfighter of ARENA FIGHTER for posting my blog on their website and their nice comment.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fan Mail for Today

Hi Tasha. My name is *****, and I just recently stumbled across your fantastic blog. Wow! I couldn't believe how much great material you've made on my favorite fetish topic!

I particularly enjoyed your story about your first experience and how you got into this kind of thing. If you don't mind, I'd like to share with you a story about my introduction to the world of erotic wrestling. My tastes are a little different than yours, but we still have things in common. Here's what happened:

My experience which developed this fetish started when I was about ten years
old. I was HUGE into watching wrestling on television, and at the time, actually
thought about getting into it professionally when I got older. Who cares that I
didn't have the body or physique for it, it was a great dream as a kid. Anyway,
my next-door neighbor was really into it as well. Her name was Brittany, and she
was very cute. We got together some Saturday nights to watch our favorite
wrestlers battle it out. It was one fateful weekday that pushed events in
Brittany and I couldn't wait for Saturday night to come around, so
we decided to stage our own wrestling match. I was goona be Hulk Hogan (my
favorite wrestler at the time) and Brittany was gonna be some goofy female
wrestler. We cleared out the center of her basement (which was the play room) to
use as the "wrestling ring" for our match. To make it more authentic, we wanted
to dress the part. Brittany left and got dressed in a pair of her shimmery
tights and her snow boots. I needed tights and boots as well, so Brittany
grabbed me a pair of her older sister's. I put on the white tights, feeling a
small thrill as they snugly covered my legs. I then put on the boots. They were
very feminine: black leather with a two inch heel. I didn't care at that moment.
I was ready to get our match underway.
We met in the middle of the basement,
and we agreed to the rules which were basically: Copy what we see on TV. A
3-count pin will end the match. I was prepared to do the typical Hulk Hogan
thing: get beat-up most of the match, then come back at the very end and get the
win with my "Leg Drop". I figured I'd let Brittany do me in for about five
minutes, then I'd take control, do my thing, and get the win. We started the
match, and I let Brittany take control.
Brittany did all sorts of things to
me... Slaps, "Punches", kicks, headlocks, armlocks, scissors... Even several
different jumping moves off of the nearby furniture. This all started off
innocently enough, but within a minute, something started to happen... I was
starting to get really turned on. At first I thought it was because of the
tights. they were rubbing on my legs and making me hot and sweaty. But then I
realized that wasn't it. Every time Brittany would put me in a hold or do a move
on me, I felt humiliated that a girl was doing this to me: and that humiliation
in turn was turining into arousal. Within 3 minutes, I had a raging erection! I
no longer felt like doing anything other than experiencing this feeling in the
pit of my groin. So, I fully let Brittany have her way with me during this
"match", enjoying the large, stiff lump in my groin. To make matters more
interesting, Brittany noticed it too. To increase my humiliation/arousal, she
would grab it, squeeze it, twist it, and even "stomp" on it. I fully enjoyed the
sensations I was getting and let her have her way.
Finally, Brittany had
enough with beating me me. I recognized that this was my chance to do what I had
planned: Turn the tide of the match and beat her. But I was so turned on that I
WANTED her to defeat me... To crush me into the ground underneath her boots. And
she did just that. She pushed me to the ground and said, "This is how I end the
match. After I hit you, you will be knocked out." She lifted her boot and
stomped down on my throbbing crotch. I let it happen and then laid there,
"knocked out" and spread-eagled underneath her. She fell down on top of me,
counted 1, 2, 3 and then stood up and shouted that she was the winner. She put
her foot on my crotch and posed and victory. She then told me to stay right
there and that she'd be right back.
After she ran upstairs, I just laid
there, spread-eagled, reveling in the erotic sensations that were pumping
through my body. I looked down at my crotch... to my white, tight-covered legs,
to my feet, clad in those black leather boots with the 2 inch heel, and was
suddenly aroused even further. My dick pulsed and wanted immediate release. I
was too young to know how get release (sadly) so i couldn't do antything about
it. I just laid my head back and pictured myself laying there, defeated by a
girl, spread-eagled in tights and high-heeled boots.
Brittany soon returned,
finding me lying in the same position she left me. And to my shock, she had
brought someone with her: Her sister! I was humiliated once again, and in turn,
aroused even further. It felt like my groin was alive with electricity. Brittany
said something like: "See? I beat him! Take our picture!" She walked back over
to me and put her boot on my crotch again. It was (very obviously) the perfect
pedastal for her victory pose. I contined to lay there, awash in the erotic
feelings coursing through me. Brittany's sister, once realizing what was going
on (she was an "experienced" teeneager after all) made us stop. She was very
unhappy that I was wearing her tights and boots (No surprise there). She
musti've told her parents what had happened, because Brittany wasn't allowed to
play with me after that.
Sadly, Brittany and her familay moved away a couple
years later. I have no idea what happened to her.

There aren't any websites that cater to my exact fetish experience, but I find enough shared interests to get myself some material. Your muscle hunk fetish is unique and very erotic. Keep on making those pictures and I'll be stopping by constantly to check them out. You have a fan for life. Keep up the great work!



From D.

Love the site! It's just what I've been looking for. I'm a male, butlove the femme fatale scene. My favourite fantasy is the one in whichthe lovely lady seduces the man, and once they are embracing (evenkissing) she pumps hot lead into his hard gut...or stabs him in thebelly with a knife. That really gets to me. A good woman is a badwoman. Hehe. Thanks for setting this site up. It's great!

To everyone who wrote me a letter and subscribe to my YouTube account...THANK YOU TO THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY HEART.

Tasha M.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A letter from Down Under

Thanks for posting another hot photo set.It's such a turn-on
seeing a man with a hard-on being killed by a sexy babe. I love it when, having
conquered the hunk, she takes her 'prize'.

A woman with a defeated males cock in her hand or mouth is so
hot.I'm with you on fat dudes and blood.Both are turnoffs. Hey, if I
wanted to see an out-of-shape guy I'd look in the mirror. LOL. Blood would take
your art from being sexy fantasy to sicko.So, forget the demanding guys with
special requests for blood and fatties.

This is your fantasy blog. Draw what turns you on. -That you
are kind enough to share your sexual fantasy with us is enough for me.

My sentiments exactly!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Babes vs. hunks (where the hell are they?)

I have been having problems looking for pictures that depict sexy women defeating hunky muscle men in very skimpy attires. Yep…I can’t find a single picture. Well there are good pictures in the net and really…they’re hot! But it seems too rare.

It's really hot to see sexy women killing hunky men in skimpy underwear. Well...most gay site cater fighting like that...but gay site cater for M vs. M audience only. I would like to see babes fighting muscle men, and I honestly prefer the babe to be the winner. Most men site caters sexy women defeating malnorished little boys, fat dorks and old coots (no offense) but...I don't see it as sexy...I see it pathetic. Remember this is a fantasy, not a nightmare.

The best way I imagine how she does it is by crushing his nuts. Wow talk about being kinky. And why I prefer seeing them in skimpy underwear? Well... the less dressed, the merrier. More flesh is expose...the hotter it gets. But I really don't prefer him or her naked. Why, don't you love your gift wrapped in a beautiful wrapping, complete with ribbons? Maybe that's why I tried to learn how to use Poser...just to illustrate my fantasy.

Anyway, a certain Mr. m3 have sent me a sample of his artwork (see illustration above). If you will look closely, I think Mr.m3 is the one who created that picture on the left side of my blog. You know, this picture with a muscle man’s hard bulge being crushed by that 2 large muscle-bound babes. They’re just gorgeous. So I hope Mr. m3 will send me more of his works to be posted on my blog.

Hope you’ll like them because I REALLY LOVE THEM! I’m not really into muscle-bound women…but his work is an exception.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

OK, so I'm normal

Ok what do you think of this news?

Women drawn to men with muscles

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Muscular young men are likely to have more sex partners than their less-chiseled peers, researchers at the University of California Los Angeles said on Monday.

Their study, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, suggests muscles in men are akin to elaborate tail feathers in male peacocks: They attract females looking for a virile mate.

"Women are predisposed to prefer muscularity in men," said study author David Frederick of UCLA.

"Most research is focused on what men find physically attractive in women and the career traits women find attractive in men," Frederick said by telephone. "Much less research is devoted to what women find attractive."

He said prior studies concluded a man's desirability was influenced more by his earning potential and commitment. His study found physical characteristics mattered more.

Women were more physically attracted to brawny men, especially for a fling. But when it comes to finding a long-term partner, they tend to pick a regular man over a mate with huge biceps.

"On the one hand, it makes them more sexy to women. On the other hand, it makes women more suspicious about their romantic intentions," Frederick said.

He and colleagues interviewed 99 male undergraduates about their sexual histories. Muscular men were twice as likely to have had more than three sex partners than less-built types.

Frederick and colleagues also asked 141 college women to look at six standardized silhouettes of men ranging from brawny to slender. Most preferred a toned man who was more likely to commit over a muscle-bound man they perceived as more volatile, aggressive and dominant.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

They took out my "Live Page"!!!!Waaaaaaaa!!!!!

I was surprise to find out that my “My Live Page” was deleted! (Not again!!!) Yeah right...So what, fuck them! So as of today I can only post my picture set in I hope that this site will not be deleted since I have seen more pornographic blogs in the past.


A pile of men? kinky. The black babe is responsible for this pile of flesh.

Any suggestions and comments? Just place it here or send me an e-mail at Hope to hear from you guys soon.
Tasha M.

I like the idea of a girl stepping on a muscle man’s neck. It so wicked!

Friday, March 2, 2007

To all those who visited my blog...

I would like to share all those positive comments I've been recieving so far concerning this blog. To all of you, I LOVE YOU ALL and you are the reason that keeps me making more photosets.

Hi, just wanted to say that I stumbled across your fantastic website after
reading some of Crohnsmans stories. I think your artwork is excellent,you seem
to creating what i imagine! Many thanks

- John.

I just became aware of your website a few days ago and I really like
it a lot. I've been a member of Diana the Valkyrie's site for a number
of years now (M.C. stories are mine) and really find big, strong men
being brought to their knees by smaller - but much tougher - women
sexual turn-on. Your artwork is very...well erotic. You should send
Diana a
sample gallery with a link to your website and you'll probably
get thousands
of hits.
- Mitchell

I have read some of your stuff today, and they were pretty cool : )
honestly actually, I am a gay male. I have had a thing for bodybuilder dudes
in their posing trunks since i was a kid, and I like to see or imagine them
wrestling each other. Funny thing is I also seem to enjoy reading stories or
looking at videos of mixed wrestling because I like the idea of hunky guys being
kind of dominated, by either sex... of course, the focus for me is always more
on the guy : )
i find your stories and illustrations really exciting...
- Linus

Your Deadly Ladies in Undies site is the BOMB! You
have the absolute best
illustrations I've ever seen on
the web. The Artist is a true genius.

I love your site.

I exspecially like the girls in your art work kicking some male but.
karate/kungfu type fighting is what I like seeing, and you bring that to live!

If you would ever like to cyber fight a boy, let me be the one that
takes your deadly punisment.

Any way, again, I love your
- beatup byher

Hi there, my name is Andy,

may I say I really your enjoy and thank you
for your
effort in sharing your thoughts, stories and pics.
I think it
is so great, to see your passion for a good
erotic primal battle, the
sensual power of a woman
against the muscular strength of a man, fighting to
the finish. I am very impressed, and hope you have
many more stories to
write, thanks very much tasha,
please take care
- Andy

Hi there, saw your profile.
Nice picture you are geaorgeous.
Have you
many fights to your name ?
I love the pics and movietrailers you posted.
Keep it up

- Harry


Just wanted to tell tou that I recently discovered
your work (deadly ladies
in undies) and I think its
amazing. I would pay for a monthly subscription
your site if ever you plan creating more stuff. I am
more in nude
girl/girl Ko, but I also like nude or
sexy mixed Ko.
- Daniel

Just visited your blogspot. Wow! I enjoyed reading
your "take"
on erotic fighting.
Keep up the good work. And if you get a chance, take
a few more hunks to their demise in a bodyscissor--and
feel free to play
with any body parts that attract you
while doing it.
- Sqzher

Again, to every one who visited my site, "Mabuhay at mahal na mahal ko kayong lahat".
Tasha M.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

My YouTube ad

I created this ad...well it's not much, I just don't want to have a blank profile in You Tube. Hope ya like it.

Tasha M.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

What's my Femdom-related Sexual Fetish?

You scored as Ballbusting. You Scored as Ballbusting:

You are really aroused by women who hurt or injure men's testicles, especially if they really enjoy it, get aroused at it or just laugh at it. You also get off on the pain itself - or even just the threats of a woman to hurt, crush, and destroy your manhood get you GOING.
You submit to their abuse. Unfortunately for you, this is a very painful fetish to have. But you can't help it!

You enjoy abusing men's balls - being in complete control of their manhood and making them whimper like a little schoolgirl after just one kick. Inflicting pain on and controling men by their testicles arouses you. You take the phrase "I've got him by the balls" quite literally. They just feel so squishy and vulnerable under you feet/in your hands - you can't help it!



Orgasm Control/Denial

Lesbian Femdom

Cuckold (Wife/Girlfriend)

Genital Torture (CBT/PT)

Forced Feminization

Small Penis Humiliation

Foot/Boot Worship

Cuckold (husband/boyfriend)


Monday, August 7, 2006

I'm back!!!!!

I'm back after a very long vacation. *whew!*
My computer got sick and she was brought to a computer hospital for 16 days. Now she feels fine and ready to make new Poser 3D arts of battle bonanza. Missed ya all!
- Tasha M.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Erotic Fighting

Compare to different erotic kinks there are only few references about erotic fighting, but the issues are not new. Maybe from the time of the Greek wrestling matches, erotic battles were introduce. But until now, the elements on erotic fighting still vary to different individuals.

Today when we refer to erotic battles, wrestling matches, amazons, and catfights sometimes come to our mind. But what makes a battle erotic?

Different people may agree or disagree in the ideas but I would just like to state MY ideas on the subject. Well, if you asked me, a truly erotic battle must be between sexy opponents. That makes fighting erotic whether it’s M vs. M, F vs. F or Mixed Fights. Most cater on just being KOed in the battle, not really dying but mine involves death (in a fantasy way).

Erotic fighting involves sexual fantasies. Maybe it’s the sight of sweaty bodies hitting each other or those sexy grunts , those “ahhhh”, “ohhh” and “uhhggg” that comes out of their mouth every time a fist, a punch, a kick or a karate chop landed on their sweaty bodies.

But surely this topic is quite familiar to all of you, so let’s talk about what I consider to be NOT an erotic fighting idea.

Some of those who are involved in this kind of fetish love to humiliate the opponent. These humiliations are sometimes to the extremes. Frankly speaking, I’m not into these kind of fetish (the type that involves pissing someone’s face, defecation, or putting things on their sex organ) I don’t know, some people find this kinky. I don’t, PERIOD! It is enough to render an opponent unconscious, to strip her/him naked or near nakedness and then to touch the defeated opponent’s body. HECK! You can even use it for your sexual needs. That’s OK and I find it quite appealing. BUT, if you will smother the defeated opponent with things that can only be found on the nearest septic tank, NOW THAT’S GROSS! Beautiful bodies are respected for their form, not to be use as a toilet bowl.

Now, other “sexual battle” involves more gory scenes (Not my field!), like blood, innards and disembowelment. I even saw this sight that shows real footages or pictures of dead soldiers in battlefields or crime-scene photos of rape victims, even car accident victims. HEY! I’m into sexual combat not CSI.

Sword battle can be considered kinky. Let say that a babe or a muscle hunk was stabbed with little amount of blood to be shown, That’s OK. But if it involves all those things found in medical schools and anatomy books…You call that sexy? Leave that on the operating table and anatomy class. I really don’t find disembowelment sexy. Why? Oh come on! Common sense dictates that when you see beautiful naked bodies to be sliced up or gutted up like a fish or thanks giving turkey, sexiness will never come to your mind; instead I see it as an object of absolute pity, disgust and loathing.

Now we come to other familiar stories I sometimes read in the internet today. OK here goes. ” A sexy girl kicks a handsome man in the face. BOOOMMM!!! All his teeth flew to different directions and his jaw bone protrudes. His jaw line was re-arranged to a weird angle. Some of the sinews of his mouth stick to the nearest white wall…Blood, guts, boogers and all…” Now does this scenario makes you wet? It makes me barf!

The story is more likely from a QuentinTarantino film and it can make a B-rated, prosthetic horror films fan very excited but it’s not sexy. Sadly, there are a lot of those who love to include gory descriptions to sexual fight scene. Not me, mind you! Reading a story that describes a male sex organ that was crushed or grinded like ground beef inside a woman’s pussy is nauseating. In the first place, a woman’s love box is not a monster’s mouth or a mangling machine.

Blows that produce a distinct amount of blood are OK, but you don’t want the character to look like “Carrie”, do you? A trickle of blood that runs in the opponent’s sweaty frame is already quite erotic.

And last but not least. Please…desecration of the opponent’s genital (like putting things on the opponent’s pussy and cutting someone’s dick and feeding it to the owner) and those who involves children on their sexual stories is not titillating. I find it abhorrent and grossly unacceptable. Only those with sick mind find it appealing.

So there, I hope that clarifies my stand.

Tasha M.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Angel kick ass!!!

I have my private DVD copy of the movie version of that 70 hit series Charlie’s Angels. Remember that show, which starred Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore?

Well these angels really kick ass…men’s ass and I love it. One of my favorite scenes is when Drew Barrymore’s character (Dylan Sanders) was tied down on a chair and she was able to KO 5 of Eric Knox's thugs!!!

I really don’t care about the other thugs on that scene. I only like 2 particular bad guys. (See the yellow and red arrows in the pictures? They are the one with the short sleeve T-Shirt and the Italian looking guy on a black shirt). If I were Dylan , after the fight, I will drag those two thug-studs in a more “private” place. Strip those black shirts and their pants off their bodies, leaving them only in their skimpy underwear and all those hard, sweaty muscles exposed. I will also strip off my dress, leaving only a very skimpy white bikini. My thick, black pubic hair patch will be very visible through the sheer fabric. Then I will smother them by sitting on the guy’s (with then yellow arrow)face, covering his nose and mouth by my pubic area while my large, sweaty tits will smother the other guy (the one in the red arrow) simultaneously till they die with soaked shorts. Mmmmmmmm…talk about erotic fights huh?