I would like to share all those positive comments I've been recieving so far concerning this blog. To all of you, I LOVE YOU ALL and you are the reason that keeps me making more photosets.
Hi, just wanted to say that I stumbled across your fantastic website after
reading some of Crohnsmans stories. I think your artwork is excellent,you seem
to creating what i imagine! Many thanks
- John.
I just became aware of your website a few days ago and I really like
it a lot. I've been a member of Diana the Valkyrie's site for a number
of years now (M.C. stories are mine) and really find big, strong men
being brought to their knees by smaller - but much tougher - women
sexual turn-on. Your artwork is very...well erotic. You should send
Diana a
sample gallery with a link to your website and you'll probably
get thousands
of hits.
- Mitchell
I have read some of your stuff today, and they were pretty cool : )
honestly actually, I am a gay male. I have had a thing for bodybuilder dudes
in their posing trunks since i was a kid, and I like to see or imagine them
wrestling each other. Funny thing is I also seem to enjoy reading stories or
looking at videos of mixed wrestling because I like the idea of hunky guys being
kind of dominated, by either sex... of course, the focus for me is always more
on the guy : )
i find your stories and illustrations really exciting...
- Linus
Your Deadly Ladies in Undies site is the BOMB! You
have the absolute best
illustrations I've ever seen on
the web. The Artist is a true genius.
I love your site.
I exspecially like the girls in your art work kicking some male but.
karate/kungfu type fighting is what I like seeing, and you bring that to live!
If you would ever like to cyber fight a boy, let me be the one that
takes your deadly punisment.
Any way, again, I love your
- beatup byher
Hi there, my name is Andy,
may I say I really your enjoy and thank you
for your
effort in sharing your thoughts, stories and pics.
I think it
is so great, to see your passion for a good
erotic primal battle, the
sensual power of a woman
against the muscular strength of a man, fighting to
the finish. I am very impressed, and hope you have
many more stories to
write, thanks very much tasha,
please take care
- Andy
Hi there, saw your profile.
Nice picture you are geaorgeous.
Have you
many fights to your name ?
I love the pics and movietrailers you posted.
Keep it up
- Harry
Just wanted to tell tou that I recently discovered
your work (deadly ladies
in undies) and I think its
amazing. I would pay for a monthly subscription
your site if ever you plan creating more stuff. I am
more in nude
girl/girl Ko, but I also like nude or
sexy mixed Ko.
- Daniel
Just visited your blogspot. Wow! I enjoyed reading
your "take"
on erotic fighting.
Keep up the good work. And if you get a chance, take
a few more hunks to their demise in a bodyscissor--and
feel free to play
with any body parts that attract you
while doing it.
- Sqzher
Again, to every one who visited my site, "Mabuhay at mahal na mahal ko kayong lahat".
Tasha M.