Saturday, November 13, 2010

Brit's Story.

The British Intelligence special agent 005 was on a mission to investigate the cargo of a sunken freighter some miles off the coast of North Africa. The ship was believed to have been carrying weapons and supplies to a dissident female IRA group called the Sisterhood Army of Republican Celts (SHARC) which had started to cause severe losses in MI6 and MI5.

In the red light of the submarine the 23 year old MI6 stud muffin pulled his wetsuit over his tight arse, narrow waist and broad shoulders. The slick black rubber gleamed as it flowed over his muscles like a second skin. In minutes the Brit agent was suited up, buckled on his utility belt and checked his spear-gun. Finally he pulled the rubber hood over his short, sandy blond hair and his handsome face was covered by goggles and his breathing kit before making his way out of the airlock and into the clear blue water of the Mediterranean.

In minutes he had located the wreck on the sandy bottom and kicked out powerfully towards it. The ship was still whole and he had some trouble getting the cargo hold open, his muscles bulged as he heaved on the doors. Suddenly they opened and he was greeted by the corpse of one of the crew as it floated out past him. His involuntary reaction caused him to loose off his spear-gun, which thudded into the long dead crewmember. Collecting himself after the shock he dropped the now useless weapon and started to search the hold.

Meanwhile up on the surface a beaten up fishing boat basked in the sun. Over the side a lithe female form dropped gently into the water, wearing nothing but a skimpy green thong, goggles and a small breathing kit in her mouth. She dived down toward the wreck.

005 was excited. He’d found a huge amount of arms as well as evidence of the various rogue states that were supporting SHARC. He left the hold and struck out back toward the Royal Navy submarine. From a swaying stand of seaweed the female appeared and swam swiftly towards him.

The MI6 agent was surprised and confused. Seeing the sexy woman approach he was unsure what to do, she was unarmed and almost naked. Her long auburn hair flowed behind her and her firm, bare breasts transfixed him. What could she being doing here? Could she be a SHARC agent? As he stared at the vision she closed with him fast, her movements sure and positive. 005 came to a decision, he couldn’t risk discovery and so drew his knife from its leg sheath and swam at the woman, meeting her charge with knife at the ready.

They met and he drove the keen blade at her heart, she deftly caught his wrist and twisted. The Brit diver grunted in pain, dropping his weapon, which sank down to the sand. Agent Nimh kept her grip of his wrist and used it to coil round him like and eel.

005 fought back hard, bigger and stronger than the Irishwoman he started to break her grip but her limbs were strong too, and her touch was powerful. Every time he managed to prise off one limb another would caress a part of him, rubbing against his suit and making him shudder. Soon the fit young man began to tire.

Remorselessly she tied him in an erotic knot, her limbs entwining him. Her sex rubbed his now bulging crotch as she felt his resistance crumble. One hand deftly undid his crotch flap, his thick uncut cock now free she used her thumb to pull down her green thong and eased herself onto him.

Her deadly trap was now complete. She rode his cock, sliding up and down, making him gulp on his reg. With him safely trapped in her she let go his limbs and caressed his fit, rubber clad body. The excitement made bubbles burst from his mask as they writhed together in the clear water.

She held him as she forced him to climax. Enjoying the feel of the Englishman’s body her fingers stroked and teased, her delicate, deadly touch making his heavy balls tighten. He tried to hold back but was helpless. He stiffened, blue eyes wide, as he shot hot cum deep into the SHARC agent. Her eyes met his as she felt his climax. Almost lovingly she touched his face, then swiftly pulled away his mask and reg as he moaned and gasped in orgasm.

He jerked in her grip as the salt water flooded his lungs, in seconds he was drowning, terror in his eyes as she playfully stopped him regaining the precious reg. Soon his struggles ceased and Nimh pushed him away, his muscled rubber-clad body gently drifting down into the deep.

Nimh swam back to the freighter and entered the hold. She came out minutes later with a black bag and headed for the Royal Navy submarine, looking for the hatch 005 had left by, the deadly nerve agent ready in her hands.