Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Girls Will Be Girls

by M.C.
Two beautiful girls - with a very unusual secret.

The sleek, black Apache attack helicopter skimmed over the waters of the Pacific Ocean on the dark, moonless night. Flying low to avoid possible detection by radar, it stealthfully approached the Mexican coast off Baja California, about 20 miles south of Tijuana. The pilot - a large, well built woman who was also the commander of a small, elite group of lethal fighters that she herself had trained - slowed down and began to hover about 20 feet above the water. Turning to the two female passengers seated behind her she said,"O.K. girls, we're two miles offshore. This is as close as we can get without being detected You know what your mission is and intelligence has given you all the information you should need. So put on your wetsuits and double-check your gear; the operation will begin in exactly five minutes."

The two females, not quite as large nor as powerfully built as the pilot, but with hard, strong, athletic bodies nonetheless, put on their wetsuits and made a last minute check inside their special waterproof bags to see that they had everything they needed for the operation. Night goggles, a portable global positioning system (GPS), utility belts, cell phones, knives, four Beretta PX4 Storm, semi-automatic 9mm pistols with four extra magazines (each holding 17 rounds of ammunition), two canisters of tear gas and four hand grenades. Satisfied that everything was in order, Dawn - a large and very attractive blond - said,"we're all set and ready to go *Big Mamma*." Kate, her partner, - a slightly smaller but equally attractive brunette - nodded her head in agreement. "We're ready," she concurred.

"Very well then," the pilot replied,"get ready to jump; and best of luck to the both of you... JUMP!" The two well conditioned, superbly athletic women leaped out of the helicopter, splashed into the cold, dark waters of the Pacific Ocean and began swimming towards the shore. "And may God be with you," the pilot said to herself as she watched them disappear into the night. She then turned the helicopter around and headed back to her secret military base on the North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego Bay to await word as to when - or if - she can return to pick them up.

A Secret Compound on the coast of Baja California...

The burley man looked out through the small window of the bunker. "Are all the guards of the night shift at their posts Raul?" he asked the equally large man standing next to him.

"Si...yes," came the reply.

"And are the day guards ready too, just in case we need them tonight?"

"They are all sleeping with their guns, ready to fight at a moments notice should the need arise senior."

"If the U.S. Government is going to move against us, then this would be the time. We're moving the drugs onto the fishing boats tomorrow morning and, if all goes well, by this time tomorrow they'll be spreading out over the Western United States; and we'll be very rich men."

"Senior Thomas, we are in Mexico. The Americans have no jurisdiction here."

"I know damn well where we are Raul! But that doesn't mean the CIA or some other organization won't send in a team of commandos or a Delta squadron to try and prevent the shipment from reaching California. This is the biggest haul I've ever made, and I want it to go perfectly; comprendas?"

"Senior, we have 30 of the toughest, most experienced men money could buy guarding this compound. They're extremely well trained, expert shots and fearless. They all know what the stakes are and, like us, they also want to be rich. I feel very sorry for anyone who tries to take these hombres on tonight. And if something should happen, the police are only about 30 minutes away...and they're on *our* side (wink)."

"Very well then Raul. I'm going downstairs to catch a few hours of sleep. If you should see or hear anything suspicious you're to wake me up immediately!" Robert Thomas, one of the largest drug dealers in all of North America, walked down the steps of the bunker and entered a small room. He looked at the large stack of neatly wrapped bags containing a white substance and smiled. "500 kilograms," he said to himself, "by far the biggest shipment I've ever made. If everything goes according to plan, by this time tomorrow we'll all be very rich indeed."

Meanwhile, about 300 yards away...

Dawn and Kate emerged from the water and walked onto the beach. After a two mile swim lugging their fairly heavy bags, even these superbly conditioned women needed to take a few minutes to rest and prepare themselves for the next stage of their operation. They sat down on the sand and slowly began to remove their wetsuits."So Dawn, will you go to the party this Friday night with Rick if asks you?" Kate asked her partner.

"I don't know. He is kind of cute, but so immature. I mean, all he ever seems to want to talk about is sports."

"Well that makes sense.You're both star athletes; you in track and swimming, and he in basketball. Sports is like your common denominator. I think once you get over this shyness thing you have with boys, you and Rick will be great together."

"It's not just the shyness Kate. I don't get on well with boys because I'm a much better athlete than practically all of them; and I also don't believe in stroking a boy's ego by letting him beat me at something."

"That may be true, but I notice that sometimes you ask for trouble. I mean, did you really have to beat Rick so badly in the school's one-on-one basketball tournament last week? He's the star of the basketball team; and you embarrassed him in front of almost the entire school."

"Like I said Kate, I don't believe in stroking a boy's ego. It was the final and you know what a competitor I am; I really wanted to win. Is it my fault that I'm a better basketball player than Rick is?"

"And what about when you beat up Steve Walters during lunch break a month ago?"

"Steve was a big bully, always picking on the other students.(Steve stood six feet-four inches tall, weighed over 250 pounds and is their school's undefeated heavyweight wrestler). Since none of the teachers had the guts to deal with him, I felt I had to take matters into my own hands. And I didn't beat him up Kate, I just slapped him around a bit."

"I heard he ran out of the lunch room crying."

"That's because he's just a cry baby. He got off easy in my opinion. He deserved much worse but *Big Moma* doesn't want us to abuse the skills she taught us. Anyway, what about you? Are you going to the party with Brad?"

"Yes, I am. He asked me this morning and I said yes."

"Good for you Kate, that Brad's a real hunk."

Their wetsuits off, the two girls dressed themselves in skintight black bodysuits (to avoid light reflection), strapped on their utility belts, rolled up their long, pretty hair into tight buns and put hairpins in them to keep the buns in place (Dawn's hairpin was unusually long for some reason). They then put black masks over their faces overwhich they placed their night goggles."Yes," Kate smiled,"I like Brad a lot, and I'm really glad he asked me to the party."

Dawn and Kate then took the Berettas out of their bags (two guns for each girl), popped a magazine into each one and placed the other clips in a special part of their belts so that they can be grabbed and reloaded quickly. As they pulled back the levers of their guns - enabling a bullet to enter the chambers - Dawn smiled at her partner. "So Kate, are we ready to kick some serious ass tonight?"

"Yes, let's do it!" With that, the two unusually young female secret agents began walking towards the compound and their confrontation with Mr. Robert Thomas and the private army of thugs.

Just outside the compound...

The two men on foot patrol guarding the perimeter of the compound stopped to gaze up at the stars. In this secluded area on a moonless night literally thousands of stars were visible to the naked eye. One of guards lit a cigarette and took a few puffs. He then handed it to his companion who also took a drag. "What do you plan to do with your money after this is all over Jose?"

"Me? I'm going to take my money and buy a fancy car so I can pick up all the sexy senioritas in Tijuana. And you Pablo? What do you plan to do?" Jose never got an answer to his question. Because before Pablo could reply, two pair of surprisingly strong female hands reached out from the darkness, grabbed the unsuspecting guards by their throats and strangled them. Jose and Pablo died without making a sound.

"Well that was easy, wasn't it Kate?" Dawn whispered.

"Yes, it was. That's two down and about thirty more to go; give or take a few. So, you really think Brad is good for me? I really like him you know."

"Yes Kate, I do. In fact I'd do him myself if the opportunity presented itself; but he seems to prefer you."

"But what about you and Rick? Wouldn't it be great if we could double date this Friday night?"

Showing sudden frustration with her partner, Dawn said,"we can talk about this later Kate. Right now we have a job to do, remember? And you do remember the plan, don't you?"

Kate sighed. "Look Dawn, you may be my older sister, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. Of course I remember the plan."

"I was just checking. There's no need to get all huffy about it. Big Momma taught me to always double check everything; that minimizes the possibilities of mistakes. And as your older sister, I am responsible for you on this mission."

"Well big sis, for the record, I remember the plan. O.K.?"

"Very well then," Dawn said as she looked at her watch. "You get as close to the gate as you can while I go around to the other side of the compound. We'll attack simultaneously in exactly three minutes; and good luck Kate." The two sisters gave each other a hug before Dawn slipped off into the darkness.

The Attack...

Kate approached the main entrance where the electrified fence surrounding the encampment was broken by the gate - it was the only way in or out of the compound. There were two more men guarding there. Because of the darkness and her all black bodysuit, she was able to get within thirty feet of the gate without the guards seeing her. Kate drew out the Berettas, aimed them at the guards and counted off the last several seconds to herself; 177...178...179...180! Then she opened fire. At the exact same instant, a loud explosion was heard coming from the opposit side of the compound. Their assult on the drug lord's secret hideout had begun.

Kate put a 9mm bullet into each of the guard's heads so fast that they never knew what hit them and raced through the gate, while on the other side, Dawn blew open a large hole in the fence with a hand grenade. Both girls entered the compound firing. Trained in the use of firearms since they were small children, the two expert markswomen, aided by the darkness and their night goggles, quickly shot down everyone in sight. Their attack came so suddenly - and they shot with such accuracy - that by the time the guards on duty realized what was happening, most of them were either dead or dying..

Their initial strike over, the girls quickly replaced the magazines in their guns and shifted to phase three of the operation (phase one being the elimination of the foot patrol, phase two, the surprise attack). Without a word spoken between them, Kate ran over to the building where their intelligence reported the guards of the day shift would be quartered while Dawn went to deal with the men guarding the bunker. On her way, she threw another hand grenade at the large fuel storage tank which supplied the base with gasoline for their vehicles setting off a huge explosion and starting a fire.

Kate approached the building (killing two more guards on the way) and, with a powerful kick that only years of martial arts training could have given her, smashed in the large wooden door and began firing at anything inside that moved. Abruptly wakened by the sounds of shooting coming from outside (not to mention Dawn's hand grenades) some of the guards did have time to grab their automatic rifles by the time Kate entered; but they were either too stunned by the suddeness of her attack or too groggy from their slumber to get off even one single shot. With lethal accuracy Kate began to mow them down and, in just a few seconds, all the men inside the room were dead; all except one that is.

"No shoot seniorita," the last one standing pleaded with his hands high up over his head. "Por pavor, no shoot." (Though there was only a dim light in the room, it was still enough for the lone survivor to make out Kate's finely shaped body - especially her large, firm breasts - a shape that could only belong to a female). Kate should have killed him without a moments hesition and then gone outside to help Dawn deal with the guards protecting the bunker; but for some strange reason she didn't. It could have been the look of sheer terror he had on his face as he stood before the girl that had just killed about twelve of his comrades. Or the fact that unarmed, he was no longer a threat to her. But most likely it was his youth that caused Kate to hesitate.

"How old are you?" she yelled with her guns aimed at him. "Quantos anyos
tiennes tu?"

"I seventeen," he said in his broken English, trembling from head to toe."Please seniorita, no shoot me."

With seconds she could ill afford to spare, Kate deliberated his fate. She should have killed him - he was, after all, working for one of the most notorious drug dealers in the world, and would no doubt have killed her were their situations reversed.. But for some reason Kate just couldn't pull the trigger.

"Vamanos!" she screamed at him. "Get the hell out of here! And never, NEVER come back! Comprendas?" As she watched him run past her and out of the compound, Kate sighed and shook her head from side-to-side; then started running herself over to the bunker to assist her sister.

While Kate was eliminating all (or most) of the day shift guards in their sleeping quarters, Dawn approached the bunker. Because of the darkness, the men protecting it couldn't see where she was coming from and shot wildly into the night. In doing so they revealed their positions, whereupon Dawn - thanks to her night goggles - was then easily able to train her Berettas on them. In less than a minute, the expert markswoman gunned down at least half a dozen men. Feeling themselves overwhelmed, the guards that remained retreated into the interior of the bunker. (The truth is that the guards had absolutely no idea how many men - a natural assumption - they were being attacked by. It was pitch dark, there was kaos and confusion all around and, with the speed and perfect execution of Dawn and Kate's assult, the defenders could be excused for thinking they were being confronted by an entire platoon of soldiers instead of just two girls).

Once the guards had retreated inside the bunker, Dawn jumped up onto the roof, reached into her utility belt and took out a canister of tear gas. She reloaded her Berettas, shot a hole through a small air ventilator, pulled the pin of the canister and tossed it inside; then she waited. About half a minute later the door to the bunker burst open and the guards ran back outside - coughing as they wildly fired their automatic rifles all over the place in a desperate attempt to escape. From her vantage point on the roof, Dawn calmly gunned them all down. And after she had done so, an eerie silence fell over the compound.

"Well done big sister," Kate said, smiling up at Dawn."How's the weather up there?"

"Oh it's pretty yucky. I never did like the smell of tear gas you know. I couldn't help but noticed that one of *yours* got away Kate."

"Naaa...I let him go. You should have seen the look on his face, he was scared shitless. And he was just seventeen years old; like me."

Dawn sighed as she leaped down from the bunker. "That's not the type of attitude *Big Momma* would appreciate there kiddo. In our profession there's no room for compassion; in fact it's a liability. What say we wait until the gas dissipates, then go down and pay Mr. Robert Thomas a visit?"

"Sounds good to me big sis," Kate said as she ejected a nearly empty magazine from her Beretta and popped in another. "So, what do you think I should wear to the party Friday night? I was thinking of that pretty new red dress that I bought at the mall last week, but I'm afraid Brad might think it's too showy."

"Wear whatever you like Kate," Dawn said as she too replaced a magazine in her Beretta. "Just because I'm a year older than you are doesn't mean I have to dress you up too, does it?" (The tone of resentment in her voice prompted Kate to thinking).

"Uuuh, who's being huffy now? Dawn, do you remember when you beat Rick in the finals of the one-on-one basketball tournament?"

"Of course I remember; it was just last week. What's your point, Kate?"

"Well after you beat him, he didn't get all bent out of shape like some macho chauvanist would have. If my memory serves me right, he even walked over to you and shook your hand after the match. And you didn't just beat him Dawn, you creamed him...and Rick's the leading scorer on the basketball team with a 17.5 point average. It must have been very embarrassing for him to get beaten by a girl in front of the whole school - but he took it in stride. Now to me that means Rick is a classy guy and maybe you should ask him to the party."

The tall blond thought for a moment, then said,"the tear gas is almost gone. Let's put this conversation on hold and tie up the loose ends of this operation so we can go home."

"Sure sis, anything to avoid the *difficult* things to do (wink)." Together, the two girls began to walk down the steps to the bottom of the bunker.

When they reached the basement, Dawn and Kate found two large men gasping for breath - Raul and Robert Thomas."Hello there boys, I believe it's time to pay the piper." They then removed their masks, revealing to the men that it wasn't an army that brought them down, but two teenage girls. Foolishly, Raul tried to draw his pistol but Kate gunned him down before he even got it out of his holster. She then held the barrel up to her mouth and blew the smoke away."I've always wanted to do that," she giggled.

That left the six foot-four inch, 240 pound Robert Thomas as the only man alive in the compound. "Are you going to shoot me too?" he asked, trying to come to terms with the fact that his international drug cartel worth hundreds of millions of dollars was just brought down by a couple of high school less than ten minutes!

"I don't need a gun to finish you off," Dawn said as she holstered her Beretta. She reached up and removed the hairpin from her bun - allowing her long, beautiful blond hair to fall over her shoulders and halfway down her back."This will be sufficient." She placed the hairpin on a table directly in front of the huge man and smiled. "I'm ready whenever you are, Mr. Thomas."

For a few seconds there was absolute silence, then the drug lord lunged at the much smaller 18 year-old girl. Quick as a wink, Dawn reached down and grabbed the hairpin and stuck it deep into the drug lord's throat before he could get to her. With his windpipe slashed, the once powerful man staggared backwards and collapsed against his huge stack of cocaine (poetic justice the girls thought). And as he struggled for his last breaths, Dawn calmly wiped the blood off her hairpin with a tissue, rolled her hair up into a bun again and put the pin back to keep her hair in place.

"You'll have to teach me that one sis," Kate laughed. Then, arm in arm, the two sisters began to make their way back up the stairs. When they reached the top, Kate took out one of her hand grenades, pulled the pin and casually tossed it back over her shoulder. It rolled down the stairs and, five seconds later, there was an explosion which destroyed not only the bunker, but the 500 kilograms of cocaine too.

"Well, I guess we'd better call *Big Mamma* and tell her to come and fetch us," Dawn said as she took out her cell phone. "Star Twins to Big Momma, Star Twins to Big Momma, do you read?"

"Big Momma here. What's your status Star Twins?"

"Mission accomplished. No casualities. We're ready to be picked up."

"Copy that. Just sit tight girls and don't let your guard down. I'll be there in twenty minutes." (Although usually a tough, no nonsense woman, Dawn could clearly hear the relief in Big Momma's voice).

"O.K. (short pause)...and mother, could you please tell daddy that Kate and I are all right. I'm sure he must be very worried about us."

"Will do honey. And off the record, I'm very proud of the both of you; VERY proud. No mother could be prouder of her daughters."

"You taught us well mother."

"Copy that. See you girls soon. Over and out."

As Dawn and Kate sat down and waited for their mother to arrive, they surveyed the scene around them; each lost in her own thoughts. Everywhere they looked they saw the bodies of guards they had killed and burning buildings (when Dawn blew up the fuel storage tank, she ignited a fire that soon engulfed almost the entire compound). Except for the boy Kate allowed to escape, not a single man survived their assult - thirty rough, tough men, slain by two teenage
girls. Fire was also billowing out of the bunker, sending millions of dollars worth of cocaine up in smoke. The stentch of death and destruction was everywhere. In just ten minutes, these two high school girls managed to wipe out one of the largest illegal drug operations in the Western Hemisphere.

After a few minutes of silence, Kate looked over at her sister and said,"you know Dawn, I think I will wear the red dress to the party Friday night after all. I think Brad will like me in it."

Epilogue: The following morning on their way to school.

"Dawn, Kate, wait up!" The two girls stopped walking when they heard the familiar voices behind them calling out their names.

"Well, if it isn't Brad and Rick," Dawn said as she and Kate greeted their neighbors with a smile."What's up guys?"

"Oh not much Dawn," Rick replied."Did you happen to see the basketball game last night? The Lakers pulled it out in the last seconds. It was fantastic!"

", I didn't Rick (Dawn looked over at her younger sister and rolled her eyes; Kate responded with a giggle). Kate and I were...well, let's just say we had some other things to do last night."

"Yea, where were you Kate?" Brad asked. "I tried to call you you until almost midnight but all I got was your answering machine."

"Like Dawn said Brad, we had some *business* to attend to and got back too late to return your calls. I'm really sorry about that."

"Business? That sounds like a euphemism for shopping. I'll bet you girls were at the mall last night, shopping until it closed," Rick said with a laugh.

"I'm sure that's where they were Rick," Brad grinned."You know the old saying, 'girls will be girls'.."

Kate took Brad's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You boys sure seem to have our number, don't you?" She then jabbed her elbow into Dawn's side and, in that almost telepathic way that only identical twins and close siblings can understand, transfered a message to her older sister.

"Err...Rick," Dawn began with an awkwardness that was quite uncharacteristic of her (ironic as this might seem, the beautiful blond would probably prefer to face thirty tough, armed men in a fight than the boy from across the street),"do you by any chance have a date for the party this Friday night?"

" Dawn, as a matter of fact I don't."

After another jab from Kate, Dawn forced a smile and said,"well in that case, would you...ah, would you like to go with me?"

"Why yes Dawn, I would. That would be great!"

Dawn took Rick by the hand and flashed him her prettiest smile - a natural smile this time. "So it doesn't bother you that I kicked your ass in the finals of the school's one-on-one basketball tournament last week?" (Kate frowned at the tactlessness of her sister's question).

"Actually, it did for a while Dawn. But the truth is you did beat me fair and square. I've never seen anybody move like you do on a basketball court. So fast, so fluid; and you never miss a shot! What I'd like now is a rematch."

"Anytime Ricky boy, anytime." This time it was Dawn who jabbed her elbow into Kate.

"So, how did the shopping go last night Kate?" Brad asked the beautiful brunette he'd had a crush on for several years now.

Kate squeezed his hand tighter and smiled,"it went great! I bought the prettiest red dress, and I'm going to wear it for the party Friday night." The two sisters looked at each other and began to giggle.

"What's so funny Kate?" Brad asked.

The beautiful brunette squeezed his hand tighter still (even though Brad was quite strong and much larger than Kate, he began to wince from the strength of her grip)."Perhaps someday I'll tell you sweetie pie." Then she added with a laugh,"if you're a good boy that is...and my big sister and even bigger mother let me." Hand-in-hand, the four of them resumed walking to school. "Yes," Kate said to herself,"girls will indeed be girls."