Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Jungle of the Amazons

By Hannibus

The team was reduced to three. Archeologists Sigmund Hollow and Jonathan Jeffries as well as botanist Carol Sutherland were determined to forge ahead with or without local help. Rumors of a lost civilization had brought them to the jungles of Africa, a civilization that was rumored to have amazing medicinal abilities through the vegetation found in the area. Fame and legend awaited those that would be first to discover this hidden city and that allure drove the small team onward.

They had been in the jungle for several days now. Originally there were twenty of them thanks to the local village that had agreed to aide them in the journey. It was yesterday that they had stopped and refused to go any further, they claimed that the part of the jungle they were entering belonged to monsters in human form. Violent beasts with soft skin and a rage against any who trespassed their domain. Sigmund dismissed the story and tried everything from threats to bribery to get them to continue. In the end, though, the trio gave up and decided to forge ahead on their own.

Light streamed through the jungle canopy as Carol adjusted her pack and prepared to journey onward. She was barefoot for the moment as putting on the boots were always the last thing she did. She wore a shirt that was tied just below her breasts and revealed a well toned stomach. Along with this she had shorts that left little to the imagination. She knew that it drove the men wild and she liked the feeling of power and control. Of course they had to act like gentlemen and pretend that they weren’t ogling her but she knew the truth. In fact this morning she thought that she would have some fun with them. She walked over to where they were packing and thrust out her hips. “Are you boys just about ready?”
“Just about.” Jonathan said as he looked up at her and smiled. “Only have to get everything in its place and put away the bedroll.” When they made eye contact she rolled her hips seductively. The shorts that the men wore were loose enough that she could see they were both hard.

“What are you going to do about that?” Carol asked with a wicked grin as she pointed to the bulge in his pants. “Both of you look like you’re packing some heat.” She brought her hand to her mouth and bit the nail of her index finger.
“Miss Sutherland!” Sigmund cut in. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Mmmmm, nothing yet.” She replied. “But then the day has just begun.”
Jonathan looked turned on but with Sigmund acting like he was he decided that there would be no use in pursuing this line of conversation. “Let’s just get going. We’re civil enough to control our urges even if they are noticeable.”

“Oh pooh.” Carol said with a pouty face. “We all have urges, even me. We aren’t controlling them we’re denying them. Besides, we’re in the jungle, why be civil when all around us is wild.”

Sigmund looked a bit out of breath as he watched her chest heave. “So you would have us shagging like animals out here?”

“Of course not silly,” she responded. “I’m just talking about a little stress relief. To take the edge off, I can’t risk you boys getting me pregnant. I think you should take off your clothes and relieve yourselves. I’ll watch and encourage you.” Now she licked her lips. She could see in their faces that they wanted to. “Show me Jon.”

Jon needed no further encouragement, he threw his pith helmet onto his pack and began to kick off his boots while unbuttoning his shirt. “That’s right.” Carol told him. “Take it all off. A man should stand naked and proud when he jacks off for a woman. Sig, are you just going to stand there or what?”

It looked as though a battle raged inside of Sigmund. This was no way for a gentleman to act, but to hear her words and see her acting like this was more than he could take. He decided that he would join in and give her a show. No one would know what they did out here, none of them wanted to stain their reputation in the scientific community. Soon he was standing naked before this beautiful woman with his hand around his shaft, pumping feverishly. This was what he needed, he realized.
Carol looked on in amazement. “That’s it boys, stroke it for me, I want to see the cum jetting out of you both.” This was what she loved. No one knew that this was who she really was. She had two educated men in front of her jerking their cocks for her entertainment. Sig was leaning back against a tree, one hand rubbing his balls while the other worked the shaft. Jon stood with his knees slightly bent and his mouth dropped open. His hand was around the head of his dick making small circular motions while he ran his free hand across his chest. Carol untied her shirt and showed them her breasts, she lifted one and tilted her head down to lick the nipple. They were close to finishing and it was all for her.

“I’m…I’m going too…GNEEEEEEE!” Jons’ face was twisted up as though he were in agony. He was going to cum hard. It made Carol wet just watching. Sig wasn’t far off, his hand was a blur on his cock and he was breathing hard. It was when he opened his mouth to speak that the spear took him in the upper body and pinned him to the tree.
He looked down in amazement at his hairy chest where a length of wood now jutted out of it. He knew he had been killed. This was how he would be found. Not the way for a person of his station to die. His mind didn’t focus on this for long though, Sig looked past the shaft of the spear and down to the shaft of his cock. It had swollen to enormous size and he could feel the waves of a climax upon him. He wouldn’t die as a proper gentleman should but he would die like a real man. It was important for him to give Carol an amazing cum shot. He tried to give voice to his pleasure but found that he couldn’t speak properly. “Urk gah gugrccshicckkk….YAAAAAAA!” He screamed as his cock exploded a line of cum that shot out past the length of the spear. His last act was a mighty one and even through her fear, Carol saw and was impressed.

Jon saw the spear through squinted eyes. The pleasure he felt made him want to screw them shut but it was important that he knew Carol was watching when he came. He needed to see that she was seeing this. It was as his cum was racing down his cock that he saw Sig get hit. Jon knew that they were under attack and he also knew that he couldn’t allow himself to release as he would be unable to do anything while wracked in ecstasy. He was shaking but had to get to the gun by his bedroll. His hand gripped the head of his dick and squeezed tight preventing an orgasm. The bedroll was only a few steps away and when he got there he saw that the gun wasn’t in the holster. He let out a groan, he couldn’t do this much longer. His body demanded that he cum soon. His well toned physique quivered as he made it to Sigs bedroll. His associates pistol was there. Jon took it in his left hand, though it was his off hand, it was all he could do as his right fist was busy stemming the tide of his man juice. He saw Carol watching wide eyed as Sig ejaculated his last for her, she was transfixed. “Carol, run!” he roared.

It was then that he saw their attacker. A beautiful woman made of pure muscle and wearing a loincloth to cover her sex. Her breasts were bare and large. Although it was a shock to see this, it was far more shocking when Jon realized that the woman was pointing a pistol at him. Jon moved to raise his pistol but his opponent pulled the trigger first. The bullet struck him in the chest and his pistol fired into the ground even as his hand slipped from his shaft to release his cum. “Quick Carol look!” he shouted. His body locked up as he stood on his toes, muscles straining and he let loose. “Hneeeeee…HAAAWWWWWW!” he roared as he squirted sperm in a high arc that went past his head. As his jizz blew he saw that Carol was watching.

Carol was in a panic, both of the men that had said they would protect her were dead and it was all her fault. She had teased them and they had dropped their guard and paid for it. They had both liked her, she knew this. More so now as they had made sure to give her the last thing she had asked for. Their orgasms were spectacular but it ended them both. More women advanced from all directions dressed like the one that killed her men, and Carol understood. She would be going with them. This was how Amazons found new blood, why they were of all races. She understood all of this now along with the fact that she would be learning much more and before long be no different from the warriors moving in on her now.