Friday, November 9, 2007

Another Agent Tasha Adventure

From Crohnsman

Tasha had completed another successful mission and was on her way back to the base. Her mind wandered to the new trainee she had taken under her wing. As the top field agent for LLIP, Tasha was never saddled with training any of the new recruits. But Camilla Diaz reminded her so much of herself when she first joined the program. Lorelei Lopez was the top field agent at the time, and she saw the great potential in Tasha that no one else had a clue was there. All of the instructors thought Tasha was to reckless and daring to make a top notch field agent. But Lorelei knew different. So she took it upon herself to hone Tasha's skills and teach her discipline. Now Lorelei was the Director of LLIP, and Tasha was her number one go to girl. Tasha saw the same potential in Camilla. She was intelligent, had excellent fighting skills, and was eager to learn. All she needed was the right person to show her the ropes. And Tasha Morales was that person.

Tasha stepped off of the plane and climbed into the car the Director sent for her. She and the driver was having a friendly chat when she told Tasha some disturbing news. "Step on it. I need to see Director Lopez right away." Tasha informed the driver. "You got it Tasha." The young female replied as she pushed the pedal to the floor. Tasha bolted from the car and hurried up the walk when they reached Headquarters. As usual, she strolled into the Directors office without being announced. "Ahh Tasha. I'm glad you made it back safely. But I'm surprised to see you in my office so quickly. You've never been in this big of a rush to turn in your mission report." Lorelei said with a smile. "Forget the report Lorelei. My driver informed me you sent Camilla on a mission. What were you thinking? She's wasn't ready and you know it." Tasha asked concerned.

Lorelei Lopez wasn't used to having her orders questioned. But she knew Tasha was very fond of Camilla. And they were the best of friends. So she let her insubordinate attitude slide without giving her a reprimand. "Calm down Tasha and take a seat while I explain." Tasha flopped in the chair and waited. "I know Camilla isn't ready for a field mission. But I didn't have much choice. Every ego maniac on the planet seems to have a plan in the works to take over the world. So we're spread pretty thin. We got word the BODZ Organization is storing ICBM'S at their training facility. With a nuclear war head attached, those Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles could obliterate any large city and kill millions of people. So I needed someone to check it out. It's only a simple reconnaissance mission. Camilla's not in any danger if she follows protocol. She's under orders to spy on the facility and report directly back to me. Nothing else. So stop worrying. She'll be alright." Lorelei said consoling her friend.

Tasha had calmed down some and felt bad about barging into the Directors office like a crazy woman. She should have known Lorelei wouldn't have put an inexperienced agent in harms way. "Thanks for filling me in Lorelei. And I'm sorry for the way I acted." She humbly apologised. "Think nothing about it my friend. I understand completely. I would have reacted the same way if they sent you on a mission during your first month of training. So it's forgotten. Now get some rest. You can turn in your mission report tomorrow. And I'll let you know when Camilla returns." "Thank you Lorelei. I would appreciate that. I'll see you tomorrow with my report." She said as she walked out the door. Lorelei went back to work, while Tasha headed for the mess hall to grab a bite to eat before retiring to her bungalow. Three hours later she was rousted from a sound sleep and told to report to the Directors office. Tasha was there in a flash.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news Tasha. The local operative who was working with Camilla just contacted us. She and Camilla were able to confirm the BODZ Squad are storing ICBM'S at their training facility. But Camilla was obsessed with the idea of finding out exactly how many they have. So she infiltrated the base to see if she could get a count. Unfortunately, she was discovered and captured." Lorelei sadly reported. "I have to go in and get her Lorelei. Those sadistic assholes will torture her for days to extract as much information as they can get before they terminate her. I can't let her suffer through that." Tasha said with conviction. "I know Tasha. I've given the order to have a team assembled for you to mount a rescu" "No Lorelei." Tasha said interrupting her. "I would have a better chance of succeeding if I went in alone." "Have it your way my friend. Take care and God speed." Tasha thanked her and rushed out.

Several hours later, Tasha was outside the facility with the local operative. "There's four guards at the north and south gates. And four more that patrol the fence on the east side. The west side is unguarded, because the forest runs right up next to the fence. It would be impossible for an army to attack from that direction. But one person could easily slip in unnoticed." The operative informed Tasha. "Thanks Mia. You've been a great help. Now go back and arrange transportation for us to return to Headquarters. I'll contact you in a few hours if we make it out safely." Tasha said as she hugged the young woman. "Will do Tasha. And good luck." Mia replied as she slipped off into the jungle. Tasha made her way to the west side and scaled the fence without being detected. So far so good. She said to herself.

Using as much cover as was possible, Tasha moved down the side of the building until she found the doorway. She softly opened the door and slipped inside. Tasha could hear two guards talking as soon as she entered the room. There was numerous large crates in the room to use as cover. So she followed the sound of their voice and quietly crept up on them. A smile appeared on her beautiful face when she was close enough to overhear their conversation. The two beefy guards were bragging about their sexual exploits. You hunks are about to have a glorious climax you'll never forget. But I'm afraid it will be your last." Tasha said to herself with an evil grin. When she was close enough, Tasha leaped out of hiding and struck like a deadly cobra. The guards were taken completely by surprise.

"WHAP!" Her shapely leg shot upward and slammed her bare foot into the face of one guard like a battering ram. He dropped over backwards like a freshly cut tree and landed on top of a crate in a daze. As quick as a cat before the other guard could react, Tasha lunged forward and wrapped her right hand around his bulging package. Then she slapped her left hand on his chest in a deadly tiger claw hold. He tried to scream when she began crushing his balls in her tight grip. But Tasha expertly used the tiger claw to rupture the nerves in his chest and paralyze him. When he was unable to move or talk, she loosened her hold on his balls and tenderly fondled his enormous meat. It grew to it's full length in seconds. "That's a good boy. Cum for Tasha before you die." She said with a smile. The mans face turned white with fear. But the pleasure he was experiencing couldn't be stopped.

In less then a minute, his pulsating dick spilled his thick sperm on the floor like it was shot out of a cannon. In that moment, the tiger claw worked it's magic and stopped his heart. His muscular body toppled over and landed at her feet. Tasha turned to the second guard who was regaining his senses and sliding off of the crate. "THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" Two solid shots to his wash board abs bent him over in pain. Then the powerful uppercut exploded on his chin like dynamite going off. He slumped to the floor in a semi conscious state. Tasha pinned his muscular arms down with her knees and slipped the soles of her bare feet under the back of his head. Then she leaned forward to grab his impressive cock, while bending her legs to jam his face into her sweet ass. "It's your turn to die muscle freak. But I'm going to be nice and let you have one last orgasm before I send you to hell." She said as she began to pump his dick.

Her soft palm and gentle strokes was quickly sucking the sperm up his solid shaft like a vacuum. The hunk finally cleared his head and weakly struggled to escape the female demon perched on his chest. But his pitiful efforts were ineffective. The beautiful female warrior had him firmly pinned down and under her control. Her hand was filling his huge body with erotic ecstasy and keeping him weak. While her gorgeous ass was rapidly smothering the life out of him. Tears were pouring out of his eyes when he realised he was going to die and was helpless to stop it from happening. Tasha smiled when his throbbing dick erupted like an angry volcano and sent his male spunk flying through the air. She firmly pressed his face against her perfect ass and buried his nose up her crack as far as it would go. In about ten seconds his feeble struggles came to a halt. "Give the devil my regards." She said to his dead body as she climbed to her feet.

Tasha continued on to search of Camilla. She was as quiet as a mouse as she moved along the corridor. When she stepped into the next room she was surprised to be face to face with two BODZ agents. For a change they were doing their duty and not talking. So she had no idea they were there. "OH MY GOD! IT'S THE DEADLY TERMINATRIX!" One of them shouted as he reached for his gun. Fortunately the top field agent for LLIP was always alert and never panicked. "WHACK!" The edge of her concrete breaking hand, chopped him on the back of the neck and dropped him in the floor. Then she whirled to meet the second agents attack. His ham like fist was already moving towards her face. But Tasha was very agile and evasive. She easily ducked under his murderous swing and it harmlessly sailed over her head. Then her fine tuned fighting body went into action.

"WHAM!" Tasha drove the heel of her hand into his chest to stun him. Then she doubled up her fist and painfully clubbed him on the jaw with a punishing left cross. "SMACK!" While he was off balance and no longer an immediate threat, she turned to the hunk on the floor and punted his face like a football. "WHAP!" His lights instantly went out. Tasha firmly planted her foot back on the floor and executed a sweeping roundhouse kick. "WHAP!" The heel of her foot crushed the agents jaw and broke it in several places. He clutched it in both hands and collapsed to his knees with a whimper. "I'm afraid I don't have time to give you pleasure before you die weakling." She said as she placed her hands on the front and back of his head and roughly twisted it around. "SNAP!" He flopped at her feet with a broken neck. She repeated the maneuver with the sleeping hunk on the floor. "SNAP!" "Have fun in hell wimps." She said with a smile.

Tasha found a stairwell that went down a flight. The torture chambers and holding cells were usually located on the lower levels. So she took the stairs and prayed she was headed in the right direction. A lovely smile appeared on her luscious lips when she reached the bottom and noticed a row of cells. She was on the right track. Five minutes later she located the chamber Camilla was in. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Camilla was unharmed. She was shackled to the wall with two interrogators standing in front of her. They were staring at her nearly naked body and laughing as they explained the brutal torturing techniques they were going to use to extract the information they needed. Tasha almost laughed out loud when the brave young woman spit in the hunks face and called them both every name in the book. They haven't broken her spirit. Tasha said to herself as she prepared to move in and rescue her pupil.

Tasha took a deep breath and charged through the door. The two men nearly went into shock when they saw the female hellion coming at them. Tasha launched her attack before they were able to come out of their stupor. "WHACK!..WHACK!" A double karate chop put the first man down. Then her nicely toned left leg snapped forward like a wrecking ball and nearly caved in the second mans stomach. "WHAM!" He left his feet and flew like a bird. Tasha snatched a hand full of hair and jerked the first hunk to his feet. "CRACK!" The bone shattering uppercut sent him reeling back. He was howling in pain when he landed next to his cohort. Tasha quickly hustled over to shut them up. She grabbed them both by the head while they were climbing to their feet and slammed them together with all of her strength. "BAM!..BAM!" Their heads split open like ripe melons and the two dead hunks slumped to the floor.

"Are you alright Camilla?" Tasha asked. "I'm fine Tasha. Just embarrassed for being dumb enough to get caught." She admitted. "Well hold on. I'll have you out of there in a jiffy." She released the young woman and the two of them embraced. "I'm sorry for being such an idiot Tasha." She said apologising. "Forget it my friend. Now let's get the hell out of here before we're discovered." "Right behind you girl. I've seen enough of this place to last me a life time." Camilla said with a smile. They hauled ass. But they hadn't made it fifty feet before they ran into four BODZ agents. "That's far enough you fucking LLIP bitches. The only place you're going is back to a cell. Get em men." The leader commanded. Tasha and Camilla separated and took a fighting stance. The agents broke into pairs and attacked.

"WHOP!" Tasha drove her foot into the first mans balls with the power of a kicking stallion. His eyes bugged out and his face turned red as he grabbed his aching testicles. "WHAM!" Tasha grabbed him by the ears and blasted his chin with her knee. He collapsed like a house of cards and went to sleep. The second agent came at her swinging like a mad man. Tasha went into defensive mode to weather the storm. His muscular arms tired after missing her bobbing and weaving body with twenty hard thrown punches. Tasha blocked his next feeble attempt and opened her offense with authority. "SMACK!..SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" She guided him around the room like a remote control toy. When his useless arms dropped to his sides, she took hold of his balls and squeezed them in a vice like grip. He immediately screamed like a frightened little girl. "AAIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "SMMMACK!" Tasha nailed him with a hay maker left and knocked him out.

The other two agents had backed Camilla into a corner. Her mind quickly ran through the hand to hand combat techniques she learned while training. Satisfied she was capable of getting herself out of this mess, she stopped retreating and confidently stood her ground. "It's time I showed you wimps which sex is superior. So come here and get your beating you steroid junkies." The hunk in the lead stepped up to shut her mouth. She was ready and waiting. "WHACK!" She chopped him across the throat and smashed his larynx. He clutched his severely damaged throat and slumped to his knees trying to catch his breath. But he was never going to breathe again. The blond haired gladiator shoved him over on his back and sweetly smiled at the next guy. "You're next pansy ass." He got over his shock and attacked with venom.

Camilla swatted his thundering punches aside like she had done it for years. Then she went on the attack and cut him to pieces. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Her pile driving fists pounded his surprised face with extreme accuracy. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" The poor man was virtually helpless against her relentless attack and was reduced to being nothing more then a punching bag. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" The final uppercut was so potent it nearly took his head off. He folded up like a card board box and hit the floor like a wet sack. Camilla nudged him with her foot and smiled. He was out cold and would be for quite a while. She left his sleeping body lie and went looking for Tasha. They quickly found each other and resumed their escape attempt.

The two lovely females climbed the stairs and sprinted across the room like Olympic runners. Their luck ran out when they burst through the door and entered the next room. A large group of muscular males was there to greet them. "It's all over whores. You'll never make it out of here alive." The officer in front boasted. "You muscle bound idiots need to change your threats. Because that one is ridiculous. I've heard it for years and I'm still breathing." Tasha informed him. "I don't think they're smart enough to come up with a new one Tasha. They're only mindless males you know. Maybe they should recruit a female to do their thinking for them." Camilla added. "You'll be singing a different tune when I get you under my whip you mouthy sluts. Take em down boys." The officer commanded. Tasha and Camilla raised their fists and prepared to do battle.

Camilla had four angry muscle hunks facing her. But her earlier success had greatly built her confidence. So she was calm and unafraid. When they attacked, her well built body turned into a fighting machine that had the destructive power of a twisting tornado. "SMACK!..SMACK!..WHAP!..CRACK!" The first two fell by the wayside with broken noses. The next one got his face mashed in by the sole of her foot. The last hunk immediately went to sleep when the sledge hammer uppercut slammed into his chin. Camilla wasted no time. "WHAP!" One of the hunks with a broken nose was now sporting two busted lips. Her bare foot had instantly swelled them up. "SMACK!" The other broken nose hunk would soon have a swollen black and blue eye. "THUD!..THUD!..CRACK!" The one she mashed in the face with her foot was sleeping at her feet. His six pack abs was red and sore and his jaw was dislocated.

Camilla turned back to the two hunks with broken noses and smiled. "Get up wimps. I'm going to turn you little sissy's into handsome studs." She could clearly see the fear in their faces when they made it to their feet. "Why are you two shaking like a leaf? You're not afraid of a girl are you boys? Hell, your combined weight is at least five times my size. Now quit being so skiddish and come to mama." She taunted. The two hunks raised their fists and cautiously approached her. Camilla placed her hands on her shapely hips and waited for them to attack. But they continuously stood there shivering like they were caught in a blizzard. Camilla shook her head and quickly ended the one sided affair. "SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!..SMACK!" Both were out on their feet and barely able to stand. "Good night weaklings. Dream about me if you can do it without pissing your thongs." "CRACK!..CRACK!" They were out cold before they hit the floor. Camilla victoriously stood over their sleeping bodies with her arms in a double muscle pose.

Camilla had heard the stories many times about Tasha using her female assets to snuff the life out of a BODZ agent. She always wondered if it would be as erotically stimulating as it sounded. Since this was her chance to find out, she decided to take it. The hunk she knocked out with the one punch uppercut was sleeping with his upper body leaning against the wall. He was the perfect male specimen to use for her experiment. She knelt down and straddled his muscular body facing his feet. Then she took his limp cock in her soft hand and gently began to fondle it. His huge dick quickly grew until it was as hard and straight as a flag pole. She smiled when she heard him moan with pleasure. He was regaining his senses which was exactly what she was waiting for. With an evil smile on her kissable lips, she shoved her white pantie clad ass back in his face.

The muscle hunk instantly began to struggle. But the powerful uppercut she knocked him out with had really scrambled his brain. And now the tender touch of her magical fingers was weakening him even further. His pathetic struggles resembled a child trying to escape from an adult. They were useless. Camilla playfully stroked his blood red, vein popping dick and laughed at his hopeless attempt to break free. "Settle down sissy and enjoy your last climax." She sternly scolded. "You're under my control and powerless to stop me from doing as I wish. So relax and die happy." The poor man was sobbing like a broken hearted child because he knew she was telling the truth. He was going to die and couldn't prevent it. Yet his hips were bucking in rhythm with her silky strokes because he needed release. When Camilla felt his body stiffen she jammed her gorgeous ass against his face. As soon as the last drop of sperm leaked from his steel hard cock, the BODZ agent took his last breath. Camilla's panties were soak and wet with her own juices. The thrill of smothering a muscular male with her ass had caused her to have an orgasm. She vowed to experience this wonderful bliss many times in the future.

Four BODZ Squad agents surrounded Tasha including the officer. She held her ground and waited for them to make a move. The officer charged at her from the front and threw a killer punch. Tasha easily ducked under it and drilled him in the stomach. "THUD!" At the same time she kicked the soldier behind her like a mule and nearly turned him into a eunuch. "WHAM!" He quickly passed out while holding his destroyed balls. Then she cracked the officer under the chin with the top of her head when she popped up. "THUMP!" He stumbled back and flopped to the floor. Tasha didn't wait for the other two. She decided to strike first. She took a step towards the one on her right. Then her gorgeous leg flashed in the air and the ball of her foot caught him on the chin like a one hundred mile an hour fastball. He fell apart like a puppet without joints and collapsed to the floor out cold.

She turned in time to meet the oncoming hunk behind her. He threw a punch designed to separate her head from her creamy shoulders. She slid to her left to avoid it and grabbed his wrist as it went by. Then she roughly cranked his arm down and flipped him head over heels. "SLAM!" Tasha kept control of his arm and viciously twisted it while she stomped the shit out of him. "STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..STOMP!..BAM!" The last stomp banged his head on the floor and knocked him unconscious. She released his lifeless arm and went to meet the officer who was climbing to his feet. "It's just you and me now sissy boy. Show me what you've got." Tasha said with a cute smile. He growled like a rabid dog and charged her like a pissed off rhino. "WHAM!" Tasha thrust her left hand into his chest with the power of a bulldozer and stopped him dead in his tracks

The officer was stunned from the blow and unable to protect himself. Tasha went to work on him with her male beating fists. "SMACK!..THUD!..THUD!..SMACK!" He was groggy in seconds. Tasha kept up the pressure and gave him no respite. "SMACK!..SMACK!..CRACK!" The mind numbing uppercut dropped him to his knees in front of her. His mighty arms were dangling at his sides and he was completely delirious. Tasha decided to toy with the proud man. She wrapped her left arm around his neck and pulled his swollen face up to her firm, bouncing breasts. "How would you like a treat wimp? I'm going to let you see my beautiful breasts up close and personal. So enjoy yourself." She said as she buried his face deep in the valley of her perky tits. All of a sudden he was plunged into total darkness and couldn't breathe.

The officer panicked and began squirming like a wildcat. But his pathetic struggles were in vain. The mans bulging arms and muscular frame was simply no match for Tasha's impressive strength. She easily held him in place and taunted his pitiful efforts. "Why are you fighting me little man? Are you trying to upset me? I allow very few males to receive this precious honor. Many men have fought duels for the privilege of putting their face where yours is now. So behave yourself or I'll be forced to give you a very harsh spanking." She threatened with a smile. He was getting weaker by the second. Heavy tears were running down Tasha's flawless skin by the bucket full. Finally his useless struggles ceased all together. His lifeless body landed at her feet when Tasha released him. The sexy super agent was surrounded by dead or unconscious male bodies when it was all over.

"Let's haul ass out of here before we run into anymore of these muscle bound idiots." Tasha said to Camilla. "Sounds like a plan to me girl. Let's move." The two fighting females scampered out the door and quickly scaled the fence. Then they lost themselves in the jungle and contacted Mia for their ride home. Several hours later they were sitting in the Directors office. "Here's my report Director Lopez. I apologise for ignoring your orders and forcing you to send someone to rescue me. I know it was a stupid thing to do." Camilla said with her head hanging down. "Yes it was Camilla. I hope you've learned a valuable lesson from your mistake. But just in case you haven't, I'm putting you on latrine duty for a month as punishment. Cleaning toilets should make you think twice before you act the next time. You're dismissed." Lorelei sternly replied. Camilla scurried out the door.

"Camilla is going to make a fine agent Lorelei. She handled herself like a pro while we were escaping. I was very proud of her." Tasha said in Camilla's defense. "I believe you Tasha. And I think you're correct as well. If she doesn't get herself killed because of her reckless behavior that is." Lorelei answered. "I was the same way if you recall Lorelei. Cocky as hell and completely sure of myself. But you snapped me out of it by teaching me discipline. Which is what I plan to do for Camilla. I guarantee she'll be one of your top agents by the time I'm through with her." "And she couldn't have a better teacher my friend. You're the best there is. Although you can be a pain in my ass sometimes." Lorelei said with a smile. "It's a special gift I have Lorelei. Your job would be way to easy if I wasn't here to keep you on your toes." Tasha avoided the flying paper clip and laughed as she ran out the door.