Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Steam Heat (Claire Story part 2)


Claire picked up her robe and made a quick phone call to COIL to pick up the two bodies of the BODZ squad she’d just finished off.
“After a session like that I deserve a reward,” she thought.

The spy went to the top drawer of her dresser and slipped on a pair of gauze panties, so fine you could see through them, her bush fully visible under the filmy screen, and then headed out the large screen doors toward the spacious private sauna her Cabana enjoyed.

She padded lightly down the path her flip-flops rhythmatically smacking against the soft skin of her feet as she danced along. She peeled off her robe as she came to the door and placed it on a hook, set the temperature dial, slipped out of her sandals and began a small series of stretches to loosen up and also to let the sauna heat up.

The door nudged open little by little as the unaware spy continued her routine, one leg sweeping up behind her in a crook, the motion and position showing off the alluring lines of her trained and taut form her efforts lighting her body up with small diamonds of perspiration that beaded everywhere on her naked tanned body. The spy had just brought her foot above the back of her head and closed her hands about it to complete the Heron Position when she was swept into the sauna by the two BODZ agents that had been waiting for her.

The COIL agent caught be surprise reacted quickly but not quite rapidly enough to escape, she released her leg and dropped it only to find it blocked by the shoulder of one of the BODZ agents. He quickly pushed it back up along with her hands, joined them back around the soft pads of her found and insured they stay in place as his hands interlaced with her fingers and toes fusing them together. The man in front slowly snaked and slithered one of his legs around Claire’s locking his foot into her remaining free foot, his other foot stepping on his own to pin the spy in place. The agent in back encircled her thin waist with his leg binding her to them.

“You BODZ agents are more numerous than cockroaches,” Claire said her tone exasperated.

“Yes, but much more deadly, especially to the female of the species,” one of them slithered.

Claire had only caught a flashing glance of them in the whirlwind of being spun around as she was taken inside the sauna, but now she had a go look at one of them and it told her all she needed to know. They were both Thai and judging by how fast they’d taken her members of the (S)erpent (E)xecution (X)tension, they killed with human knots and sex.

“Thank you Miss Baxter for saving us the struggle of bending you into one of our knots, with a few simple adjustments we have bound you in The Press Flower. Slowly, very slowly Miss Baxter, for we are aware of your rather considerable skills, we will draw you rigid in the knot, our bodies consuming yours until we are close enough to sting you with our engorged prongs. Once fully impaled, both front and back you’ll be lost to pleasure and a rather fatal poison our cocks have been coated in, its breaks down slowly over time, the female helpless to stop it,” the man behind explained in delight.

“I can hardly wait,” Claire grunted as she laboured.

Claire writhed furiously in the man knot her body a boiling cauldron of activity as the two Asian assassins worked their naked knot about her. The spy flexed and snapped her comely body against theirs, her motion like that of a snake charming dancer as she sought to unwind her imperilled form before she was impaled and helpless. The two were muscular, V-shaped torso’s, strong legs, not overly muscled, but enough so that you could see they trained, there arms were the same. She could only guest as the one behind her, but if he was as handsome as the one she now faced they were an attractive duo with a string of female spy kills to their credit no doubt and she was next.

Claire kinked and wrenched her body, they had her but only just, her charms had loosened her considerably from their death grip, but she could pry herself free, she needed a new form of motion.

“And with the right kind of attack strategy I can be free just as quickly as I was caught,” she thought.

Her attack was soft and sexy, her lips and her body worked in unison on the two men. Her lips quickly turned them into ravenous creatures, her head swivelling back and forth as she satisfied their lust. Claire took her time slowing her kisses as she felt their skin creep closer to hers in the knot, her tongue playfully changed the rhythm of the dance. Their movements slowed and she moved her body as little as possible, even the slightest shimmy of her succulent physique constricted her tighter in their coils, she lay still and let them come to her waiting mouth for pleasure.

The steam of the sauna was only matched by the steam coming from Claire’s body, both physical and sexual, she needed release. They inched inward as she lay motionless, even her breathing slowed to reduce their wrapping death about her.

“Closer, ohhhhhh, so closer, your sexecution of me is nearly complete,” Claire panted in lust as she worked.

“You will beg for death Miss Baxter even as you experience pleasure of unending magnitude,” one offered between kisses.

“If your cocks are as deadly as your perfectly snakelike bodies I can’t wait to be injected with your venom as I lay helpless in your coils,” she breathed heavily.

The spy was entrancingly deadly, her words and her lips honeyed as was her body, as they drew closer Claire drew deadlier to the touch. She could feel them everywhere on her, their massive bulges pushing at her panties; she pushed back encouraging the attack. Their closeness was their strength, but also their weakness, the alluring female form when trained and used correctly can administer a myriad of debilitating procedures both fatal and non fatal. Claire was working both men with her body at the same time; her captor in front was being slowly and carefully subjected to The Pinay Pinprick Paralysis. Her erect and hard nipples pressing lightly into exact points on his chest would block the electronic signals to his muscles, her last touch would render him total paralysed. The man behind was being massaged by her actions and controlled flexes of certain muscles which over time would work his to limpness. Her movements were subtle and small, she was getting tighter inside them with each passing minute and motion, she fought off the point in her limbs and the constriction of her stomach.

“How much longer,” Claire pleaded.

“Are you in pain so soon Miss Baxter, pity because there is so much more time and torment to endure we have hardly begun,” one said.

“Please insert and sexecute me now,” Claire moaned as the knot squeezed around her.

“All as it should be Miss Baxter,” the other said.

Claire stung with her nipples and rubbed with her muscles as the wall of flesh sealed around her. She was feverish and sweltering, her body losing its mobility and edge, her kisses began to slip off their lips too soon, her nipples missed points and her muscles cramped, she was lost to them several minutes later.
The spy was locked in place carefully, her body flexing and twisting no more as they tightened her in place. Claire froze, her body entwined in theirs, they each kissed her while the pressure of the knot built on her as they lightly cinched her entangled naked body. She surged a final time as she moaned before collapsing inside them, the trio fell to the floor with a thud, Claire buried in man flesh, but looser from the fall! The spy now desperate to dislodge them tweezed frenziedly inside them, her body caught in a coils of two snakes was rolled onto a steam vent in the floor. Boiling already Claire’s body was coated in heat, fought in desperate fury to roll herself off the vent. The men gladly harvested what was left of her loose sweat coated body, her musk filling their senses with desire. The nude woman thrashed and bumped her increasing inflexible against the floor, her stitched body knitted stiff until in minutes. The steam drained her remaining fight and relaxed her even more, the men seeping in to her form more and more as her muscles calmed. Twenty minutes later the lathered and helpless spy was satisfactorily within their control, they rolled her off the steam grate

“Goodbye Miss Baxter, your body is about to be pleasurably disable, permanently,” one of them said.

Claire went to say something but it came out a gasp as her dance partners began working their prongs into her damp gauze panties, their hips gently rocking back and forth as they worked their tips against the material. The spy helpless and hot waited for them to penetrate her last defence and finish her; each plunge of their prongs against her panties further wrenched her into a vortex of pain. Their relentless attack finally paid off, the slit the gauze panties and worked their weapons of death into her, Claire hot and sexually aroused offered no resistance, they easily slipped deeply into her welcoming pleasure domes and closed the book on The Press Flower as they stitched themselves together around her.

“Our poisonous prongs have been inserted and are dissolving their toxin into your welcoming body COIL agent. What many have tried to do and failed two men have succeeded, COIL’s top agent finally dead, killed by the male of the species,” one said.

Claire was brought to orgasm quickly, her body straining and moaning in pleasure; she crushed further for the pleasure, there lean muscles biting into her soft flesh as they turned about her in a coiling mating embrace. The panting agent experienced another orgasm several minutes later and on and on until she was drained, they closed about her for the kill, a final crushing at her next climax.

They each brushed her wet lips lightly and attacked, Claire lay still and moaned as they pumped until she relaxed at last.

After ten minutes she sat up between the two men and smiled down at each of them before she tore off her panties and ripped them in two.

Don’t move boys I’ll be right with you, not that you can thanks to these,” Claire said holding a half of her panties in each hand.

“I’ll explain, you’re both going nowhere and I need the time to recuperate before we continue. Your mistake was right from the start, oh you chose the perfect body knot, but I let you have it on purpose. Tell me, what woman wears panties to have a sauna? Once you had me you should have stripped them off of me, naked I would have been all yours and we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now, good thing for me you were both too impatience. My panties, normal flimsy gauze, just a not so modest covering, but with a COIL twist thrown in, the inside is coated with a sealing solution that once the fabric is broken coat’s whatever it touches. When you broke through the gauze you pushed it into me and thus sealed me from your deadly poison. The outside is sprayed with a rather slow acting but long lasting muscle stiffening drug, it’s released upon breaking as well and your stems dragging along the torn gauze were coated in the delicious drug. Now I suppose the only question is, do I kill both of you at the same time or let one watch the other die? Claire mused.
She had already decided on one at a time and positioned the one so he could watch the other, when she got to him his excitement would be so high he cum and be finished just as fast, this one she’d take her time with.

“I’m sure you’ve heard of this method, The Female Sexual Scorpion, ah by your widening eyes I see that you have.”

Claire moved into position, her head over the top of his supported on her arms, her body, on her stomach, stretched out away from his body she lowered her head and began kissing him. After several minutes she tilted their heads sideways to the floor, came off her arms and reached down closing softly around his flaccid member where her technique hardened him instantly. She smiled as he swelled in her hands, she felt the smooth skin of his shaft on her fingers, swathed him playful them tilted his head back upright and came to rest on her arms once more.

The spy continued to kiss him as she began bringing her legs up underneath her and pushed off into a handstand above him. Claire lowered her legs over her body slowly until her toes found his cock. The naked spy kissed him while the soft skin of her toes rubbed his shaft, she working the spaces between them into his erect monolith and trailing it up and down, he fighting the urge to spill.

“Three bites is all the female has to administer to the male for death to occur, my stinger is ready to strike the minute you spill darling,” she whispered snaking a foot up his cock that brought the eruption.

Claire covered his vented lightly with her toes, coating her toes in cum for lubrication. She bit quickly with the points her toes, a sharp jab to his left pelvis before she basted his cock in his jelly and began again. Her hot tongue recharged him quickly and she had him stiff again in minutes. Claire leaned forward and rolled her ass and back letting her nipples trace around his mouth further tantalising him into madness, he came and she struck.

“One more bite lover, Claire purred as she bowed downward and closed her tits about his face.

He fought and fought her attack; Claire took her time as she encouraged him verbally.

“My touch is silk to you, your helpless to my pleasure, they female body is the ultimate weapon and it has you in its grip,” she cooed.

He quivered and quaked and then exploded, cum shooting from his captured cock and she caressed it keeping him orgasming until finally she released her toes and double stuck either side of his cock with them, he exploded again in a geyser of gissum and then went limp, Claire released her grip and twirled off of him.

“Now for you lover, the same death of perhaps this,” Claire purred.

Rolling him onto his stomach she bent his legs up at the knee, crossed them over at the ankles. The spy stretched herself out back to back on him then slipped her feet under his chin, a jerk of her body reversed their positions.

“Not quite as intimate lover, but just as fatal I can assure you. This is Hindu in origin, its called The Milking Cobra,” she explained as her hands closed around his cock.

He was so excited from watching his partner died in her body he came with little touch at all, his spume jetting from his twined form. Claire bowed him back upon himself after he was spilled and began again.

“Oh did I forget to mention, each time you cum I bow you until you’re broken,” she said with fake concern in her voice.

Claire coddled him to orgasm again and then again as she cinched him until he was near breaking in her body. Her nails walked up and down his shaft working his lava to the surface until it gushed out. The spy
pressured her nails into his pubic mound and rocked back as he exploded everywhere unable to stop until Claire stopped it for him with a snap of her body, she relaxed and released him

“I sure hope that’s it for the evening,” she said, closing the door on the sauna and heading back up the path.