Wednesday, November 1, 2006

The Liquidation List ( Pt. 4 )

By Jake Black

B.O.D.Z. secret training facility, Training pool. 23rd September 2006 19.29 hrs.

While her comrade went to the gym the other D.O.O.M. agent worked her way down to the large indoor pool used for swimming and scuba training, she hid when she heard the sound of someone coming out of the changing rooms.

She saw a very buff B.O.D.Z. agent in full, gleaming black scuba gear. His face was handsome, high cheekbones and deep hazel eyes, brown hair with reddish highlights.
“Don’t be too long.” The figure called out before fitting his reg and pulling down the one piece facemask. He slipped into the water and started to swim among the obstacles placed there.

She swiftly crept into the changing rooms, cautious, looking out for the second man. The sound of bare feet on the smooth floor alerted her and she looked around for a hiding place. The pipes above her head afforded the only shelter. She leapt and gripped them, pulling her slim dark body up just in time. The second agent sauntered towards the pool, oxygen tank, mask, reg and flippers in his hands. His gym fit body clad in a shining black wetsuit, the hood hanging down his back revealing his pale cute face, blue eyes and short black hair.

As he approached her position the D.O.O.M. agent suddenly swung down in front of him, still gripping the pipe with her legs she hung upside down before him.

“Surprise!” She jeered as she levelled a perfume spray at his handsome face. ‘Tssst!’ The green vapour hit him full on as he gasped in shock, taking in a lungful of the noxious gas. He staggered back, dropping his kit, the fumes making him giddy, he coughed and rubbed his stinging eyes as his attacker dropped like a cat to her feet.


Her flat, hard hand hit him in the throat, then again in the midriff. He had no chance to recover, much stronger than his slight assailant his size counted for nothing under her insidious assault.

“OnnghGoD!” He doubled in pain and confusion, knees bucking under him as she held him, pulling him close, her lips parting in a kiss as her mouth closed over his, pain subsided into pleasure as her tongue flitted in and out of his mouth, her slim arms holding his body tight. Her hand caressing his fit body through the black suit, his senses tingled at her touch.

Then he felt it, a point in his back, pressure grew and a slight popping sound as the blade pierced his gleaming suit, then his scream as it slid deep into his back, between his ribs and into a lung. She pulled the blade out and dropped it, holding her victim like a lover as he bucked helplessly, the blood flooding his lungs. Red specks flecked his lips then flowed freely as he coughed and jerked in her arms.

In seconds his bright eyes dimmed, and his convulsions ceased, she dropped him to the floor and gathered up the breathing gear, fitting it to her dark, slim body as she neared the pool.

She slid in, hardly making a ripple. She could see her next target at the far end, swimming from one piece of cover to another, knife in hand as he dealt with the dummy targets one by one, she took cover near the last dummy and waited, her long dark hair floating in the clear, warm water.

Soon he swept upon the last dummy, neatly severing it’s air pipe. As he straightened from his attack position she struck him from behind, knocking his knife from his hand, her movements balletic in the water. Swiftly she gripped him, pulling the reg from his mouth, a stream of bubbles escaping as he instinctively closed his mouth. Then his mask and hood, he struggled, able to hold his breath for some time, strong lungs and body trained by hours in the pool.

She held him, her limbs wrapping around him, trying to prevent him from swimming for the surface and safety. She could feel his great strength, unsure she could keep him down she took a gamble. Letting go with one arm her hand sped down to his groin, as they writhed in a storm of bubbles she undid the flap in the front of his suit, releasing his thick cock.

Her delicate hand caressed his weapon, gently gripping his balls, tickling, coaxing. Soon he was rigid, 8’’ cock standing tall in her grip, she manipulated it with skill and desperation as his strength dragged them closer to the surface.

Only a few feet under now as she worked him, skilled fingers bringing him to climax. She let go completely now, both hands on his cock and balls as he struck for the air above. One finger working under his balls, probing for his arse as she pumped him, she felt his balls tighten and his cock jerk as thick ropes of white cum shot into the warm water, she held tight, milking him as his mouth opened in a cry of orgasm.

Water flooded into the B.O.D.Z. agent’s throat as he shuddered in climax, too late he broke the surface, his killer dragged him down again as orgasm robbed him of strength, she held her struggling victim until his struggles slowly stopped.

The D.O.O.M. agent climbed from the pool, glancing back at the magnificent black figure floating in the water.