Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Liquidation List (Part 2)

By Jake Black

Frankie’s Gym, Bayswater, West London

23rd September 2006, 19.30 hrs

The two B.O.D.Z. agents were working on maintaining their buff physiques. Bench pressing, squats, spotting each other in the otherwise deserted gym. Both in their mid twenties the taller of the two, at 6’1’’, wore tight gleaming black lycra shorts; matching his short cropped black hair. His companion, younger and a little shorter at 5’11’’, was in pale blue speedos with a mop of unruly blonde hair. They were coming to the end of their session and had both worked up a fine sweat. They stood; ready to move off to the showers. The taller guy punched his companion playfully in the chest.

“Nice pecs Carter, you’ve come on well. You’re ready for your first mission now that’s certain.” The dark one smiled at his comrade as his compliment made the younger man flush with pride.

“Thanks Lomax, coming from you that’s praise indeed.”

As they spoke a figure walked from the far end of the empty gym. Slight, 5’6’’ at the most, but with clearly defined muscles, her dark skin rippled as they moved easily. Her hair was close cropped and her big dark brown eyes sparkled. She was naked except for a gold cord around her waist, smiling and moving like oil she slowly approached the two men.

“Who the fuck are you?!” Lomax called to her “No one’s allowed in here after seven pm except us.”

Despite his annoyance Lomax could feel his cock reacting to this sexy woman. Carter’s speedos, already bulging slightly from Lomax’s attention, were now straining at the sight of her lithe ebony body.

“Oh, I’m sorry boys, no one told me. Don’t worry, it’ll never happen again.”

The second the last syllable came out she cart wheeled towards them at unbelievable speed. Her flying foot caught Carter hard across the throat.


He toppled back, slamming against the wall, stunned.

She stood, hardly panting, and looked at Lomax as he dropped to a fighting stance. He lunged at her, fast, but she was faster. She whipped the gold cord from her waist and side stepped the much heavier man. The cord snaked out, wrapping tight around his wrist. She stood firm, using his momentum against him, spinning him back, coiling the cord around his other wrist and kicking the back of his knee. In less time than it takes to tell he was bound fast at her feet, his chiselled features glaring up at her.


“Yes indeed my helpless stud muffin.”

She draped her right leg across his broad shoulder, holding his head she then lifted her left leg likewise, sitting on him, her cunt barely an inch from his face, she eased forward, wet pussy lips slipping over his mouth and nose as he squirmed and protested.

“Noo!! UnnGmmhhhh…”

The sound was muffled and then silenced as she forced him back and enveloped his face. Her juices flowing now, sealing her over his features. He tried frantically to breathe, but his struggles just excited her more, his tongue and lips caressing her cunt as he lost his fight for air. Half suffocated half drowned; he fought her for only a couple of minutes before his lungs gave out. She felt his body giving way beneath her, his tongue no longer moving inside her. She arched her back in pleasure as she twisted her strong hips. There was a brief gristly snap as she administered the coup de grace, breaking his neck.

She stood, letting the muscular corpse slump to the gym floor. Juices flowing down her stately legs as she walked towards Carter, just as he was shaking his head, starting to rise and recover.


He looked up and it all flooded back. His young reactions kicked in without referring to the brain. His punch missed her by a fraction; she felt the wind of it on her face. Before he could recover her hand arched up into his armpit, stiff finger striking like a snake.


Her knee struck his midriff and he doubled in pain, then her elbow came down on the back of his head like a hammer. Bright lights exploded in his vision as she gripped his hair, pulling his head back sharply. His stunned face gazing at her, barely conscious.

Her other hand stroked down his rippling chest and abs. Rivulets of pleasure started to trickle through the pain. Lower, her hand gripped his thick, hard cock through the blue speedos. Then she pulled them down, his cock was free, jerking, beads of pre cum dripped from the end.

She gave his balls a tight squeeze and then, while he was still stunned, eased her limbs around his, her body amazingly supple, yet strong. Before he could recover his limbs were held fast in a silken, black, human knot.

Her eyes bored into his as she edges herself onto his rigid weapon.

“OOwnnhh GoD!” He moaned as she engulfed him.

“Oww yeahh…Now your boyfriend can’t disturb us you’re all mine white boy.” She crooned as she worked up and down his throbbing cock.

The rivulets of pleasure burst into a torrent of almost unbearable ecstasy. She nibbled and kissed his neck, causing him to squirm with delight. All the while her limbs edged tighter, his arms and legs held behind him, strain growing on his joints.

She kissed his handsome face, licking his lips as they moaned. She rode and worked his hot young body for ages. Already weary from the workout he lost all sense of time, of space, barely conscious of anything but the pleasure flowing from his groin and the pain shooting from his joints. As she slid up and down his length, his senses reeled, pain and pleasure indistinguishable now.

“Join us Carter, join D.O.O.M., become my boy forever!” She hissed in his ear as his body stiffened, she could feel he was on the edge. Suddenly his whole form quivered in helpless orgasm, shooting his hot young seed deep into her.


His cry tailed off and his blue eyes opened, looking into hers. Even before he spoke, panting, his voice breaking, she knew his B.O.D.Z. conditioning had been too strong, too deep.

“Never you bitch! Never!”

“Very well baby.”

With that she tensed, his cock still deep inside her as she flexed her entwining limbs. One by one his limbs gave way, joints parting and bones cracking under the pressure.


Finally she bent forward, pressure on his magnificent back built.

“Aaiinhh..Noo No PLEASE!”

His blue eyes open wide with excruciating pain as she shuddered with silent orgasm. His spine snapped, his cock jerking again within her.

One last thing, just to make sure, she held his head in her hands and twisted, the neck breaking with a final satisfying sound, the head flopping back as she let go. She stood, legs straddling the broken doll at her feet. A shower and then reporting success to London HQ. She wondered how her colleagues were getting along on this very special night.