Thursday, August 24, 2006

What A Woman Can Do.


She pumped her hips a few times, his swollen cock still responsive to her touch after many hours. He twitched in pleasure as an acknowledgement of her actions, but that was all he could do, react, she’d made sure of that.

The male BODZ agent, although fit and strong was still no match for her or her art form. Mai Tai, D.O.O.M. agent, had secured his fate and her body hours ago, her Siamese Silkworm the perfect choice of knot with which to hold and question him. His movement elicited the requisite response from her as the knot tightened its steely grip around his torso and head. His legs she’d neutralised with acupressure from her nails, both toes and fingers, which she’d carefully filed and shaped before hand to produce a barbed end that once inserted into position, were extremely hard to dislodge.

“Talk darling, you have no hope of escape, my knot is perfectly positioned as am I. You should have been more careful in your choice of dalliances, Thai women are delightful, but they can also be deadly, I happen to be both. You experienced the former for a while now you get to experience the latter for a much longer while!” the naked woman purred.

“I’ll never talk,” he said stubbornly.

“Of course you will my coiled man,” Mai mocked before continuing.

“My nails have sunk in and pinched your nerve endings dead rendering your impressive physique numb to their touch while my legs have wrapped themselves about your torso and head. Those two alone would be more than sufficient for me to finish you, but I also have your prong equally surrounded and deeply embedded in my pussy, you’re therefore completely and utterly entangled! Mai offered in a silky voice.

Mai had used nothing but her body to attract and capture him, she never needed anything else. She waited for him to show up at the pool, her body and her bikini did the rest. She emerged from the water, her gorgeous body dripping wet, a gathering of her long hair into one length and slowly squeezed the water from it, her body fully displayed for him to observe. She smiled at him as he watched her moved toward him, her body sexily swaying as she went.

She’d decided on the direct approach as she walked to him, her training and intuition telling her so. She slipped him a light kiss before trailing past him her fingers dancing along the ridges of his stomach muscles as she past. He reached back hooked the string of her bikini bottom and pulled her back, Mai spinning gracefully into his arms as he kissed her. From their on Mai knew he took risks, a waterproof clear poison lipstick would have ended him then and there but she had her orders to extract Intel from before termination.

Some small talk occurred before they where soon on their way to his suite, Mai calculating how best to proceed as they made their way. She decided to go with the moment, she knew she’d have him eventually, it was just matter of when, not how, that she had already decided upon. The D.O.O.M. agent pulled the two tie string holding the bikini on her; they fell to the ground and became an afterthought as she moved into his arms. His hands roamed freely over her smooth ultra soft body as they kissed while her hands reached into his swimsuit and pulled it down, she following its downward path. His semi rigid member hardened to steel with a few seconds of her lips caress and he was moaning seconds after that.

Mai slowed her assault and changed position coming to her hands and knees as she continued to coddle him slowly raising one of her beautiful legs up and over her body. He ran his hand up and down her calf, feeling every curve of her feminine form before seizing it lightly and pulling up, Mai snapping her other leg up into his other waiting grasp. She dangled there for several minutes, refusing his tugs to pull her vertical and completely invert her. The position was all part of her trap, the suspended motion allowing her body to stretch itself loose for the hours ahead both she and he faced. She kept him distracted while she listened to her body until finally satisfied she allowed herself to be completely inverted and with a final long pull released his engorged member.

Now it was his turn to pleasure her, he pulled her light form up his body until Mai felt his touch; she wrapped her arms about his legs while he gently supported her with his arms about her. He took his time, his touch excellent and experienced as Mai felt herself moistening to it. As she became wetter, he probed inward again just as unhurried about her as she was about him. She loosed her arms and tried to slide down to capture him, but he didn’t heed the clue and kept working, the spy didn’t fight it she instead fastened her arms once more and moved her legs just enough to bring them into a counter position should he try something, but not enough to alarm him. Years of training had taught her the subtle movements she needed for her victims to remain unaware of her true intentions.

His tongue lightly brushed her clitoris, like the breeze from a small hand fan. Mai shimmied her form to the pleasure he was giving her, her breathing grew shorter and shorter, she adjusted her legs a final time before she was brought to orgasm. Mai wiggled and twisted as she screamed out loud in joy, her body rigid in delight for a while until she finally relaxed. He nuzzled and probed her giving final bolts of pleasure, her body absorbing it all while ever vigilant to a sudden move of his.

When they had both caught their breath a few minutes later, Mai again released her arms and this time he followed carefully lowering her until she contacted his cock. She tilted and swayed her hips until she had his tip in position; her labia sealed it in place for her to begin working him inside. He moved them gingery to the edge of the bed before reclining them horizontal. Mai rocked and thrust about his massive engorged stem, slowly working him deeper into her with each contraction of her pussy. She sealed and closed about him after another minute, the first part of her trap in place.

“Now to fuck you into my ensnaring legs and your death!” she thought.

Mai started to rock him back and forth, her hips wickedly rubbing his shaft with tightness, as her hips stroked him, her arms and legs began to position themselves and him for her knot. Long runs down his legs from her arms moved them closer to their desired place with each pass. Her long legs simply lay in wait for their turn to move. Mai’s hips danced and twisted his cock until it exploded, she changed her rhythm, deep plunging thrusts spasmed him underneath her as she moved his legs one over the other without him being aware of it. She switched her motion to ever widening circles, his root throbbing inside her as she shook him with her skill, her ass hypnotising as it turned until he was drained.

Mai stilled for just a second knowing he’d take the bait and the cue to roll them over so he could have the leverage.

The D.O.O.M. spy smiled as she was turned over knowing she had him now.

“Soon my legs with embrace you in the bite of the Siamese Silkworm my lover and you will be trapped in my knot. My bite and grip will be your death after I have the knowledge you will spill!” she thought.

Mai placed her nails about his feet and began to give him release once again, her motion took over and he was soon lost in her stroke. He arched up and thrust downward spilling his seed in bursts, she took him on his final down stroke, her legs snaking around him once before locking under his chin, her toenails pushed into the nerve endings about his neck, the barb locking them in place, her fingers did the same to his feet stilling him instantly. It was over in a few seconds, her prey secured in her naked form, she rolled them over and smiled, her trap had worked to perfection.

“D.O.O.M. sends it greetings in the form of me, Mai Tai, darling. You have been bitten and wrapped in a Siamese Silkworm BODZ agent, my nails and body my only weapons, but they are more than enough. Tell me do I seem as desirable now as I was a few minutes ago?” Mai slithered.

The Thai beauty lay still, her breathing slowed as she rested with her victim, she liked slowly constricting knots and this was one of her slowest, its diabolically sexual nature matching her personality perfectly.

“You may want to start talking now, instead of waiting, the Siamese Silkworm is extremely slow to tighten, but most effective on several levels, the pain level of course, my body will leisurely coil itself deeper and deeper about you over the long hours and you are helpless to stop it, in fact with a little encouragement from me you actually work me into you! Your stem is my prisoner; my pussy the captor, my muscle control is quite extraordinary, as your prong will find out. I can keep you hard and throbbing inside me, my hips dancing you to orgasm far beyond anything you can imagine. Of course they also serve to cinch you deeper into me, a double edged sword of sexual delirium and pain from which you will tell me all I want to know.” Mai explained.

He couldn’t move a muscle; her knot was softly about him, loose and escapable if only he could dislodge her nails. Her knot had been applied in the blink of an eye, her striking speed that of a cobra, by the time he reacted he felt her legs snap around him, their smooth shapely form wonderful to the feel then her nails inserted into him and he felt nothing. Now he lay on the floor, her naked form about his, his cock throbbing inside her as she held him.

“I enjoy disposing of male agents more so than female agents. With a female you’re on equal terms, but with a man you need to be more cunning at least in my speciality and as you can see and soon feel I’m very adept at it. My ancient art has always used distraction and other wiles to achieve where we find ourselves now. Sexual distraction and sexual positions are most effective, but also Thai body massage methods can be most weakening on the male, even to the point of death. I’ve used both and neither on missions depending on the circumstances, you required nothing more than direction. Still the feeling and excitement is still there for me, I take pride that your body, so powerful and strong, is being slowly weaken by a woman, a soft sensuous woman who means finish you with the deadliest weapon ever invented, the female body!” Mai silkily offered.

The Thai temptress lay still for a while feeling the almost imperceptible movements of both their bodies.

“I chose this spot in your suite for a reason,” she said breaking the silence.

Leisurely she rolled onto her side and twisted her neck around to the mirror and smiled into the mirror at his face.

“This way you can see me and I can see your expression change as the Siamese Silkworm draws about you! I find it a very erotic experience as will you,” Mai offered as she moved her hips slowly.

The D.O.O.M. spy smiled as she watched him in the mirror, her hips were barely moving, but she could feel him fighting her dance already.

“My hips are hardly moving yet your engorged python is responding to me with enthusiasm. Responding but not escaping, my grip is far more constricting than any python and yours has been neatly encircled and sealed in coils of pleasuring flesh,” she hungered.

Mai watched the strain on his face as she worked, her friction extracting an orgasm from him, his body convulsing involuntarily.

“Excellent my lover, the butterfly stroke worked to perfection on you, light touches placed just so to your root, I have other motions for later when you become more exhausted to keep you interested. Each orgasm will deeper you into exhaustion and my knot,” Mai slithered.

Mai used the same stroke six more times with completely effective results; her loose hold began to draw inward. She watched him fight her hip movements in futility, each time she spilled him with ease.

“I’m much to embedded into our cock, my siren dance dashes you each time, but I enjoy watching you fight my seduction. My next motion is the Brushing Palm, long slow pulls about you shaft will entrance you and bury my body into you so we can begin the questions!” Mai soothed.

Mai pumped him to orgasm in three pulls; she drew herself about him with a hissing sound of a snake. He thrashed and bucked as she kept up the stimulation. His paralysis did not extend to his entrapped member and under her touch neither did exhaustion of his root. Mai drew back and forth about his obelisk, her unhurried motion coursing his shaft with the velvet touch of her pussy. Her hips rose to his tip before slowly sinking down and recapturing his granite mass in the seal of her delights.

“Just enough pressure to turn up the heat but not enough to seize you up,” Mai said into the mirror blowing him a kiss at the end.

“My sexual techniques are as well developed as my knotting ones as you can feel. My form is beginning to draw dangerous inward with each successful attack from me. Soon my sweet captured agent exhaustion from my dancing hips will leave your mind open to my questions and you body weak to my touch.”

Mai rolled them away from the mirror putting her back on top again as she pressed her hips down sinking his still engorged member as deep into her as possible. The deadly woman used her incredible muscle control to move her sex in a very slow tight circle about his trapped root, the rest of her body motionless.

“A new stroke to combat, The Spinning Web, non venomous, but still effectively paralysing to the male of the species,” Mai caressed.

The spy swirled him slowly, his cock throbbing inside her as she turned it about in an unhurried action. The afternoon sun had crept all the way across the floor leaving the two in diminished light and telling Mai he’d been over six hours wrapped in her Siamese Silkworm. She changed the direction of her rotation at random moments, sometimes for a long time, sometimes for half a turn before changing it again.

“I rolled us back so I could sink myself deeper about your member my love. Your shaft is on fire from my touch, I can feel every inch of the walls of your enraptured stem singing inside me as I turn about it,” Mai said knowingly.

Her vortex climaxed him a short time later, his body, slick with sweat thundered and twisted as the D.O.O.M. agent wrung every last pleasure twitch out of him. She kept up her motion and he began to build again under her hips.

“You should be exhausted and limp by now, I’m sure you’re wondering why not? Simply put my grip about your manhood is highly specialised, employing many small muscles within my pussy to grip you in caressing stimulation from almost every angle and height. This keeps you hard and responsive to my touch and me sealed around you in a lubricated embrace of death,” Mai sexily purred.

The Thai beauty turned her eyes to the mirror to watch the battle in full view. Her magnificently naked form was still slightly loose about him as she knew it would be.

“But not for much longer, new pleasurings will fix that!” she thought.

As if on queue he came, this time a long deep climax as he spilled and spilled. Mai once more aided his joy and her mission as he moved her pussy about him. She felt the knot slip a few inches as she moved tighter, her flesh winding and slithering about his.

“Several more like that and you will begin to feel the persuasive power of my body BODZ agent!” she smiled.

Mai worked her hips, her muscles bathing him in skin-tight satin caresses, his stem exploding inside her. She slipped the knot deeper and pulled him to another one before a final shattering blow sealed them together.

“Mmm,” the spy slinked as she felt her body about his in a tight package.

Mai pumped her hips up and down, drawing back and forth on his inflamed rod as she rolled her coiled prey back to face their vision in the mirror.

“All you know about the Quantum Computer Project if you please,” she asked sweetly.

“Never!” he fought to say strongly.

Mai’s hips rocked slowly, her muscles griping and pulling his sealed member in a seductive cuddle of bliss. His eye lids began to flicker as his breathing slowed and became shallow. She smiled drew up his prong slowly until his eyes rolled back and he came, he convulsed as her body cinched deeper, her legs beginning to squeeze his chest.

“Same question lover or do my legs have to bring even more pressure to bear?” Mai cooed.

He gasped a no and she smiled as her hips continued to work.

“I will just have to fuck and squeeze you until you decide to then I suppose. No matter in the end I will extract the information from you one way or the other. My knot is just beginning to bite, but other parts of me have sweeter venom to persuade you!” she softly warned.

Mai slithered her hips raking his cock inside her as she watched him winch in pain and pleasure, her lethal body draining him with each draught of her hip swells. She gazed into the mirror her hips her pussy injecting its venom into her coiled victim until he gushed. Mai’s beautiful legs tightened more, her snakes constricting around him as he jerked and bobbed from the orgasm. The spy changed her motion and slipped nearly out of him, his tip barely held by her labia as he rocked up and down, he trembled for a faction of a second, time enough to allow her to plunge down and give him release once more. This time he moaned in pain as she drew the knot dangerously tight. Her hips were pulled down unable to rise anymore, she fused to time for good.

“Now the question still remains unanswered,” Mai honeyed as she pumped him a few times with a much reduced motion but still most effective.

“Still not talking, if you’re hoping for my body to cramp please put it out of your mind. My art form does not require strength to kill, the knots do all the work my body is merely the instrument.”

Mai pumped slowly and questioned again and again until slowly she extracted small fragments from him. He orgasmed just then, Mai pressed in and released her nails, hers wove in and out of his legs while her legs braced his head, one under his chin the other at the back of his head. His paralysis gone he strained and kipped his naked tone body as she drew about him with a wild thrill of delight. He thrashed them around the floor for several minutes, each frenzied flex a little less than the last until he was still and moaning in pain.

“Thank you, your frenzied motions saved me perhaps and hour of work!” she mocked.

Mai had him tweezed stiff, her sexy form twisted around him in a splendid display of her naked form.

“The Siamese Silkworm is as you may have noticed adjustable,” Mai foxily explained.

“Each movement from either of us now turns me tighter into you; shall my hips prove it to you?” Mai said as she moved.

He was hers after another orgasm, his body drained of resistance to this lethal women he told what he knew his body delirious with pain. Mai smiled and let the knot finish him over the next hour. She freed him from the knot and pulled her pussy free from his still engorged member. She slipped on her long ago discarded bikini and left.

“D.O.O.M. will be pleased,” she said closing the door.