Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Sexier, the Deadlier

She’d faced many excellent opponents during her career, but he was proving to be the best! His combination of youth, speed and flexibility coupled with his extraordinary skills for one so young and his perfectly chiselled body was proving more than a match for her experience! Since they started she’d be entangled in him twice, the first time after more than an hour of fighting he’d cleverly encased her in The Tiger Moth from which she’d barely managed to escape after four arduous hours of toil! Two more hours of combat, a mistake and she was his prisoner once more, this time his choice was a classic, The Crescent Moon. She was bent and twisted in a slow death march over three hours until she was at the brink, she managed to keep herself there for five more until his sculpted muscles knotted and she wiggled free, nearly broken, but alive.

“You are resourceful old woman, but I think your resources and energy are nearly gone! My muscles have recovered while I think your age has caught up to you!” he said rising to his feet and advancing towards her.

She watched his gleaming perspiration soaked body, every threatening muscle on display including his engorged stem, come toward her. She staggered to her feet, stumbled forward a few paces to meet him then her eyes flickered rolled up in her head and she fell forward somersaulting once until she was at his feet, her head swimming as it bobbled about, his laugh mixing with her dizziness until it was too late!

A quick thrust of her nails to the tendons at the back of his heel and he was brought down! Her feet in a flash pulled back his head and locked underneath his chin while her arms locked his legs to her! Her fish squirmed wildly as she struggled to thrust them both upright to her feet, his strength still proving difficult to overcome, but finally she brought their slick bodies upright and closed in for the kill!

She lowered her head and seized his massive spear with her lips, her tongue stroking the resistance from him in seconds! She slide up and down his shaft swallowing him with deep hot caresses and long tantalising pulls from his base to his tip, her lips and tongue deadly playthings about his swollen member! She could easy kill him, one tense of her naked form would snap his spine, but she wanted him to experience some of the pain she’d been the recipient of.

One final deep pull consumed him to the base of his shaft, her hot experienced tongue swathing him in shivers of pleasure as she went! He battled her, hammering his body and writhing for freedom, but her soft lips and licking tongue proved hard to overcome. He was young and inexperienced and she took full advantage, he’d been hard the minute he’d seen her naked form, even at her advanced age, she was stunning, hard and firm and deadly, as he was discovering! She slowly consumed and released him, working him over, feeling and bathing his extra sensitive areas in moistness until he exploded! She released her mouth and let him go, his spume everywhere as he bucked and moaned her body contracting him little by little as she closed her grip about his firm young body.

She wasted no time, coddling him again, his massive hardness not dissipating an inch as she worked. Her technique was different this time, a long lapping of her tongue, from base to tip! Again he banged wildly to break her hold, but her mouth stilled him as he built to another crescendo, one final long tingling draw released his juice once more as he frantically convulsed her in deliciously lethal embrace! She drew him into her even more, feeling his previously strong impervious body slacken as she drained his energy, she allowed herself a brief smile before lowering her head once more!

His sticky mandible felt her experienced touch again, small nuzzles and caresses, gentle breezes and brushing touches of her soft lips all combined into a attack that easily breached his defences for a third time! This time she let their bodies dissolve to the floor, her entwinement about him still complete and growing in intensity.

“Three my young opponent, the Stinging Scorpion is fatal, but pleasurably fatal to all and your body seems to like my poison stings! With each touch I can feel my venom working through you, weakening you more than any combat between us did! You had me twice, but couldn’t finish me, you will not get a second chance from me!” she slyly said.

Her lips and tongue secreted their deadly poison again and again, bathing him in orgasmic joy as he flexed endless to escape her grip their bodies roiling and twisting about the floor as she maddened him with joy until her grip cinched him still! She coiled her tongue about his shaft and waited for him to hardened, her lips enticing him with silk strokes and pulls until she could feel his pulsating cock grow in her coils and throb with passionate madness!

She spilled him again and again but he was young and strong and resistant, hours and hours past, he was weak but not yet hers and she was exhausted from her labours! He took advantage pulling his legs straight as they struggled and rolling them into a more advantageous position for him. She kept up her attack knowing the danger of the moment, but she had no other choice her plan had been set when she seized him, she could not turn back now, but she could make some adjustments!

His strength and vigour showed as he nipped up to his knee’s then tried to get to his feet as she knew he would, but she had other plans. All it took was a change to her motion, both tongue and lips, that subtle change wobbled him for just a second, but that was all she needed! Her legs disentangled and then entangled again flat against each side of his head, her toes strategically placed for another assault! Her toes pushed and pressed into his head rubbing and caressing him in a gentle fondle until his legs fell from beneath him and he slumped to his knees!

“I am a woman of many weapons and exotic arts my young warrior and you are a most stubborn adversary but I will coax you to orgasm and death! I have you warped helplessly and hopelessly, your strong virile body encased by sexy experience and diabolical skill,” she purred knowing her talk would heat him up even more.

Despite being tired from her exertions she found her rhythm and continued drawing strength from him as he weakened her ageless body dancing about his young muscled frame with deadly precision! She spilled him minutes later, her delightful attack to much to resist, she arched her frame outward as she pulled away from his explosion, her hips darting inward for a second then a second more and soon too many seconds had passed, his tongue had found her!

He probed into her very lubricated and receptive pussy instantly accelerating her heart rate and her excitement! His probe quick and efficiently accurate, she fell to its touch and came instantly, her body writhing as she continued to work on him even as she came! He kept his tongue embedded in her deliciousness its twisting washing torrent sweeping over her again less than a minute later, he muffled moans attesting to that even as she held his engorged cock! She worked and worked him but he refused her spell while she fell deeper into his, her orgasms becoming more intense with each passing one, soon her legs could no longer focus on stroking, she tried to change their position and he was ready, she missed and was his!

He clasped her legs and twisted corkscrewing himself free and ending their long engagement with other! He took her before she could recover spreading her legs out as she lay on her stomach he slipped them into the back of his knee just above her knee and closed about them! He crossed her arms and interlaced his arms about hers before sealing their fingers together and raising both sets above her head! Finally he pulled back up into a sitting position and impaled her onto his massive member.

“I thought you said your Stinging Scorpion was fatal it would seem I’m immune to your poison old woman! Here we are again; I’m the master once more. I was resistant to your charms, or could it be that you’re just too old to be effective anymore, lets see how long you can resist my youthful enthusiasm about her treacherous sexy body!” he whispered to her before his hot breath and tongue found her exposed neck and his hips began to rock slowly back and forth.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m spent, but you I think have many orgasms left, each one leading you closer to your death!” he added.

His words proved true, she was climaxed endlessly, her body gyrating in his hold with each victory! He was relentless, his massive wedge defeating her counter moves each time until he was able to rise to his feet taking her with him his hips circling as he worked until she screamed in glory her body convulsing widely for a long time until she went limp except for her heaving chest! He released her to the floor in a discarded heap before preparing for her death, one final sexual encounter!

As her steaming body lay on its stomach he spread her legs a little then encompassed them with his, folding around them just about her knees. Her arms were crossed above her head, his arms intertwining about her before closing their fingers together. Finally he rocked the both of them back onto his lower legs and raised her up suspending her for just a second before plunging her down and impaling her on his massive member!

Her moans of delight were overtaken by his laughter.

“Now to give you one final moment of pleasure before ending our game and your life!” he taunted.

Secured and weak she was his to toy with. His throbbing enormous prong filling her completely as his hips thrust and rushed about her in a slow magical dance. She frustrated his insistent rhythm several times but she could not pull her pussy free and all too soon she was at the edge, her body twisting to avoid his onrushing thrusts, she had to get to him and slow him, but the risk was great! She turned her head and began seeking out his lips with hers, the added tension of the twist putting insane orgasmic pressure on her clitoris. She was beautiful, even at her age, much too beautiful to ignore and he took her lips, it was all she needed.

Her experience took over; her touch slowed his death trap despite his furious pumping! Deep thrust after deep thrust stirred her yearnings but he couldn’t push her over the top! He clasp their hands in front of her and seized rearing up and driving into her, his massive cock pleasuring her ripe clitoris with wild pummels! She needed time to work her spell but she was out of time as she came in convulsive delight her ageless body quivering to his dance as he cinched about her and pinned her into position. She delayed him again with every trick she had but she was helpless, her drove on ravaging her body until she came again and again, he rose to his feet with her frame entwined in his and shimming with all she had willing his cock on for one more coupling! Her body was gracefully convincing, he raised her up, positioning her pussy for his shaft, but she twisted and manoeuvred him until it slipped into her ass crack

He complied and began working himself inward as he tensed her small frame stiff. She tiled her head back to his, parted her lips for a kiss and thrust back and down on his cock, he quivered for a few seconds, before stiffening! She kissed him softly then slipped free of his grip as he fell to the floor.

“My ass is deadly in ways you did not imagine!” she smiled pulling a small needle out of his swollen prong.

“A deadly poison that you willingly accepted, it’s good to see that I haven’t lost my touch around the male of the species! The encounter is mine now if you’ll excuse me I need to clean up from our session.” She smiled nipping his lips with hers before disappearing from sight.