Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gothic Battle

By: rdblock@yahoo.com

He had been sitting around the house all evening waiting for his friend who said he was going to call to call. “The hell with this” he thought and grabbed his jacket and headed out to the bar to see the fight he wanted to see for weeks. The bar was just about a ten minute walk from his place and it was one of those crisp fall evenings that he loved after a long, hot summer so he decided to walk. He loved these sort of evenings, reminded him of his old girlfriend and the walks they used to take on evenings like this but that was behind him now as she had gone on to another guy because they had there disagreements over some things. By the time he had gotten to the bar, he had put it all behind him and when in to see if his friend had dogged him and went by himself and if not, to grab a bite to eat and a few drinks and watch the fights he wanted to see. He walked in and was greeted by a few of the regulars who knew him and scooped out the place, his friend was no where to be found, the place was about half full and there were a few seats left open at the bar so he hung up his jacket, and headed to the bar to grab a seat to get ready for the evening. Of the few seats remaining at the bar there was one by the door and one at the other end, right by the T V but a woman was sitting there and he thought that the seat might be her date for the evening, but hey, H thought he'd give it a shot.

“Hi” he said to her “is this seat taken?” With a puff of smoke billowing in the air from her lips “ not at all, please feel free” she said with a smile. He thanked her and sat down and ordered a drink from the bar it was an hour or so before the fight and he wanted to get something in him before the drinks took effect. He looked at a menu and ordered a steak sandwich with a baked potato and settled in for the evening “excuse me” said the woman to his left “ would you mind sliding the ash tray down here?” “Sure ” he replied and took care of it for her. She smiled at him and it was the first time he took notice of her. She was in her mid to later twenties, about his size at 5'9“ and had stunning, dark brown eye, he was big for eyes. Since he was going to be here for a while, he might as well be friendly and introduce himself ” hi I'm Dave“ he said to the young woman, extending his hand. ”Anna, A pleasure Dave“ She was not the type of woman you would normally find in the bar, dressed in a black peasant skirt, a black body stocking with a black button down shirt tied on top of it and a pair of black combat boots. Dave had seen her type around the city, they were part of the gothic crowd that went to the clubs downtown but to him it was live and let live.

“Since you were kind enough to let me have the seat, can I buy you a drink?” He asked. “Thanks, I'll have a red wine for now, saving myself for the heavy stuff till the fight come on” Anna replied. He gave her a look like 'girls don't like that sort of thing' and she just smiled knowing the look. “Why can't a girl enjoy a good fight?” Asked Anna “they got women's pro boxing now and they are kicking butt in the WWE against both the women and the men.” Dave was impressed with her frankness and agreed with her and knew that it wasn't going to be such a bad night as he though. They toasted to the upcoming bout coming up in about thirty minutes as, by chance both their food arrived at the same time. Since with the places and the drinks and all were cramping things at the bar, the two decided to move to a booth where they would have more room to eat and a better view of the big screen T V when the fight came on. At the table, Dave noticed that Anna was checking him out also. He had a good build, not too bad to look at might be interesting in her mind. Dave, on the other hand was studying her face, noticing things like the nose stud coming out from her nostrils, good sort of nice on her, the alabaster white skin, sort of like a china doll, The horned rimed glasses made her look very intelligent
And after taking to her over the course of dinner he knew it to be true. Turns out that Anna was a school teacher who sings with a band on the side. Dinner was finished and the fight was to begin, Dave asked was her poison since the fight was on and she replied “Crown Royal on the rocks, thanks” she replied and he went off to the bar to grab a few rounds not knowing now long the fights will last. He returned to the table to find Anna on her cell phone but she quickly got off when Dave came back to the table “One of my room mates checking in on me, making sure that I don't get into too much trouble” she said with a giggle. Dave just smiled and put the drinks down on the table and sat down to enjoy the battles.

One of the fights were of two women go at it with the smaller of the two winning. Dave just shook his head and muttered something to himself. Anna looked at him as if he said that she was a leper “Come on, spit it out!” She said. “Well” Dave started “it's got to be fixed! Not way in heck is that little girl going to crush that mountain of a woman. It's one thing for guys but other thing for women, could never happen” Anna raised an eyebrow much like Mr. Spock in star trek when someone said something he didn't quite belive. “So you're telling me that a woman couldn't take down someone bigger than her?” “I didn't say that” he answered back “I just said that fight had to be fixed.” Anna was now interested in what Dave had to say on the following questions she was about to ask him. “What would you say if you had two people, about the same size, say like you and I got into a fight like they had on TV?” Dave returned the look she had just given him but he was thinking that she was reading his mind and knew of his little passion for wrestling and fighting with women and in some strange way he was getting turned on by this conversation. “I don't know, I got a few pounds on you, how much do you weigh?” He asked “ She sat back knowing that she had hooked her fish and all she had to do was to reel him in. ”128 lbs“ she replied as she untied the shirt and let it fall open to show him that she wasn't wearing a bra. ”Well I'm 185 lbs so I got 60 lbs on you, we're about the same height that wouldn't factor into it. Might be interesting“ he said with a smile. Anna was about to propose something when her cell phone rang again. She looked at the number and knew that she had to take the call. Dave was cool about it, knew that some ground work had been set down and if she was willing. It just might lead to something that he hadn't done in quite a while. Anna got off the phone and said that something came up and had to leave. Dave was crushed but Anna quickly put a smile back on his face. ”I'm busy for the rest of the week. Tell you what Dave, I like you and would like to talk to you some more about what we were talking about. Can you meet me here next Friday night about 10:30, 11 o'clock?“ ”Sure“ he said, without hesitation. The two hugged as she left, Dave being the gentleman picked up the check for Anna and she gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear ”You have pleased me“ and with that she put on her cape and left.

The week took forever to get to next Friday, each day feeling like a week in itself, just waiting to see her again. But Friday came and then the hours seemed like days until it got to about 9 P.M. Then time just couldn't go slow enough. What to wear, was he going to get lucky, was she going to indulge his passion for fighting females. The mind was racing with thoughts but as it did, he found time was not his friend. Shaving, showering looking good, boxers or briefs, he wanted to look his best for her. It was 10 after 10 and he flew out of his place and ran down the street to the bar. He got there in the nick of time and the place was packed to the gills, Dave knew it would be next to impossible to find her in there. Just as he was about to ask the bartender if he had seen the girl that he hung out with the week before and large cloaked woman came towards him asking him if he were Dave. He answered yes and she handed him a envelope and left the bar. He walked over to the side of the bar where there was a hole and opened it. It was a hand written letter but like an invitation and it read:
Hansome warrior
You have impressed your Princess
Come to the following address
To see if you are worthy
Be there at the stroke of midnight!
The address he knew that of being in the warehouse district that had been converted to lofts and the upscale people of the city bought a floor and converted it how they saw fit. He guessed that she must have some money to have a place down there but who was he to judge. Again, time was not on his side, it was going to take about a half an hour to get down to that part of town and another fifteen minutes to park then time to find the building and get to the place. He ran home, got in the car and drove down there and found a parking spot and raced to find the building and only had about ten minutes to spare. He found the building with about five minutes left and waited till midnight as requested in the note and rang the bell. He was told what floor and got on the elevator to go up.

Thr elevator stopped and the door opened and there stood two women, the one from the bar, heavy set, about 200 lbs and the other one was an slender Asian girl about 140 lbs. Both were attired in gothic type Lingerie the heavy set one in leather while the Asian girl was more lady like in a purple silk number. Both were wearing fish net stockings and boots. They motioned him to come in and what he saw before him was just incredible. The place was dark except for the glow of what seemed like thousands of candles with different types of fabrics hung from the ceiling. It was like he was in some sort of surreal movie with these two women who didn't say a word leading him to who knows where and no idea where Anna is in all this. The two women got to an opening in the draped fabric and parted it and motioned him to enter. Sitting on a throne about 5 feet off the ground was Anna but not the girl Dave had met the week before. She was dressed in just a simple black leather thong with a jeweled belt and thigh high boots. Her long jet black hair was neatly done in a french braid that cascaded down her back and a crown adorning her head. “Welcome warrior” she said to him as he entered the area “You must be wondering what this is all about?” He just looked at her like this was some bad B movie and he was about to be killed or a woman was going to scream. “Well, Yes I would” Dave answered not wanting to seem scared. “Well My friend, it's this way, I am considered a princess in the gothic community around here and the way I got to be princess is by fighting my way to the top” Anna looked down as she was telling him the story. “ I have a battle with the dark prince in a few weeks for the right to challenge the queen and I have chosen you to be fitting my practice match before the real battle” Dave sort of knew that they were going to fight tonight but put this way it sounded like some practice dummy. “Why can't you work out with the girls” Dave asked “Oh, I do, Stacy and Desmana are ok as punching bags but I've beaten them on my way up to this point, they were once good fighters but I proved to be better” the princess said with a smile coming to her face.

“Would you like to see a tape of some of my battles” she asked as she got up from her throne. With a clap of her hands, the women returned and stood either side of Dave with Anna following behind and lead him to a room with TV and a couch Anna motioned him to sit down and Stacy when and turned on the TV and put in a tape of the gothic princess's last battle with the former princess who looked liked Desmana. Dave looked around for her but she was no where to be found. Stacy quickly disappeared also and it was just the two of them watching Anna's last fight. Dave watched as Anna worked the other girl over and took a lot of punishment in the process, Dave took note of this. He assumed that the two of them were to be a no holds barred fight which means nothing held back and both were going to take a lot of punishment. “Would you like something to drink?” Asked the Princess. “Yes please” Dave responded and with a another clap of her hand, Desmana had returned and princess Anna told her to get him a drink. As quickly as she was off, she returned with a glass of water and handed it to Dave. He said thank you but got no response from her and again, she was off again. They returned to watching the tape and Dave noticed that the two combatants were fighting naked and looked over at Anna. Her body glistened as she had worked up a light sweat from watching the battle on the screen. He also noticed that one of her hands were down by the side of her thong and a few fingers had disappeared under it. Her nipples were taught and like rocks, you could put an eye out with one of those bad boys. Anna saw him looking and smiled. The tape ended with the newly crowned princess, bloodied and bruised, claiming her prize while sitting on her foes face.

“Well what do you think warrior?” Asked the princess. “Think you can give me a challenge?” “If that's what the princess wishes, then A fight I shall give her” Dave replied. With a smile and princess said “Iam pleased, let us go to some place a little more private” Again she clapped her hands and the girls appeared and again, the two of them led Dave, with the princess following behind in all her stateliness. They led him to a place in the loft that had four high walls around it and Anna told Dave told him to undress as the women started to work on her. The girls took off her crown, the stud from her nose and her nipple rings, Stacy then kneeled before the princess and removed the bejeweled belt from around the princess's waist and Desmana took off her two thigh high boots. There she stood in just her leather thong waiting for the girls to go over and help Dave with his clothes. Stacy and Desmana then when over to him and started to undress him. Stacy when over and started to undo his shirt 'god' he was thinking to himself 'maybe if I do well against Anna she might let me play with her little play mates here'. She undid each button with a little grin on her face. It would have been nice to think about doing that but there were other things on his mind at the moment. Desmana took off his shoes and undid his belt and pants. It seemed like the two girls were scuffling a little to see who would get the honor of removing his boxers and it seemed that Desmana won this little tussle between the two and she took great pleasure when the boxers came down reviling Dave Manhood. Stacy looked over at the princess and wanted to say something but knew her place and waited until they were about to escort Dave into the room.

As the Heavy set girl opened the door to the room, Dave noticed that it was more like a fight pit. It measured about 20 by 20 feet all matted flood with very dim lights, he really couldn't see too much at the moment. He took his first step on to the padded floor and noticed that the girls were no longer by his side. As he continued into the room/pit, the girls just stood by the doorway with the princess just standing in the doorway. After getting about half way into the room, Dave turned as the princess spoke as she entered the room for the first time. “My fine warrior, it as occurred to me that I have not seen your fighting style and that would put your princess at a disadvantage” Anna continued as she walked around the room. “In our conversation last week I had the feel that you might make a good warrior for my house but first you must prove yourself to me.” Dave gave her another one of those looks like what in the hell are you talking about but thought this might be interesting so he continued to listen. “Tonight I want you to show me that you are the warrior I think you are and take on these two hand maidens, both former princesses in their own right and tough competitor both. If you beat them you'll start a rep in the Gothic community, under my wing, of course and on a personal note, if you beat them, I shall allow them to pleasure you in ways that you could only dream of”

Dave had been keeping his attention on the princess as she spoke and did not notice that the two women had left the room. With a clap of her hands, the two women reappeared this time both as naked as Dave was without any of there body jewelry that had adorned them as they escorted Dave around the loft. So now Dave was going to have to fight with three women tonight when he though he was only fighting one. He had to size each of his opponents up. Of course there was Anna the princess, 5'9“ about 128 lbs with a very shapely 36c-24-29 frame to her, extremely good shape. Then there was the first hand maiden, Desmana, the heavy set girl. She was built like a fire plug at 5'8” and about 200 lbs. And a nice set of 42DDs, nice targets, he thought. The last of the three was the Asian Girl Stacy, she looked both inviting and deadly at the same time. She was about 5'7“ and a little chunky at about 140lbs but it looked good on her with a very nice set of 36Cs on her. Anna again spoke as she moved to her vantage point the watch the forthcoming battles. ”Warrior, I have chosen Darmene to go against you first then Stacy, if you survive the two of these fine fighters then you have proven yourself to your princess and then we may to battle. Let us begin!“

With that the first battle was on Desmana had a sly smile on her face as she came at Dave with fists up. Dave assumed that this meant that she was a boxer/fist fighter type and went with the flow. She threw a quick right followed with a left and he managed to block both but found out that there was power in those punches and knew that if he traded blows with this woman it might end up to be a short night for him. Since it was no holds barred, he brought his knee up to her side with force and saw that there was some pain taken by the Goth girl. Des responded with a hard right to his chest and a left to his mid section. As the second fist hit Dave's mid section, he delivered a sharp right to her jaw and watch Das's face snap to the side then come back with a big grin, she was enjoying this! “Oh God” he thought a woman who likes pain as much as he does and now he had to do something about it before she found out. Dave took a step back and Des followed in and as she did he got her in a headlock and tried to ride her down to the mat but this girl would not go down. Des's right fist kept slamming into Dave's left side and her left arm was trying to grab his package, in his mind , to try to rip it off. With a few quick knees to her midsection and a couple of punches to her ribs and side Des stopped grabbing and was trying to stop the knees from coming in. Dave had to let go of the headlock as it wasn't doing any good and the two combatants broke.

Dave looked over to the princess to see some reaction from her but her sat there with indifference apon her face. Stacy on the other hand was ear to ear grins anticipating her turn against the new warrior wanting to prove her worth to the princess. Des was now more determined to get this upstart and plowed on in. Dave saw it coming and shot a foot up right in the middle of her gut and Des doubled over, not expecting that. Dave moved in at the chance and got behind her and slapped on a sleeper hold on her. Des was yelling something and her arms were trying to get a hold him to get some sort or revenge apon her foe but the best her could do is try and dig her nails in his forearm and try to get this hold off herself. Much to her dismay, Dave locked it in tight and it was only a matter of time before the full figured Goth girl would pass out. It took a few minutes but as the lights when dim for Des, she heard Dave say it her ear “I'll be seeing you later!” And with that she was in never land. Dave let go of the hold and stood before the princess “well what you do think? He asked her. ”I shall allow you a 10 minute rest period before you face the second of my hand maidens. But first would you please help her remove your first victory!“ It wasn't a question as much as a statement and Stacy came down to get Des out of the way. ”You fought her? Dave asked her. “Yes, and I've beaten her several times” responded Stacy “as I will do to you.” with a grin on her face. They took Des to a bed and came back into the pit area where Dave took his ten minute to rest and drink a little water while Stacy was stretching off to the side. She looked cute in her pig tails as they hung down on either side of her face. After stretching, she spent the last few moments shadow boxing, trying to work up a good sweat before battle.

Rest time had come to an end and the princess signaled the two combatants to the center of the pit. “Warrior you have one victory now but you will find this hand maiden tougher than the last with more dimensions to her” said the princess “if you win, you have the right to face me and the two hand maidens are yours for the taking at your leisure, Let the battle commence!“ The princess ordered and the two faced off against each other. Dave knew he had the height advantage on her my an inch or so but what Anna said about ”more dimensions“ to her left him wondering what Stacy had to bring to the table. He found out quickly as with a quick roundhouse kick to his side that she was going to be a little more formidable than Desmana was. The stinging blow hurt but he quickly shot back with a right fist to her exposed left tit and both took a step back feeling the effects of the first blow. Stacy tried to shoot her leg up at Dave's face for a quick KO but he saw it coming and blocked and snapped one of his legs into to her landed leg to bring her down to the mat and more on his level. The two grappled for several minutes with neither gaining any sort of advantage what so ever with a punch being thrown here and there but no major damage being done to either combatant. As they were in the side by side position, Dave was getting aroused by the face that Stacy's hot mound was grind on it. Stacy was enjoying the feeling of it too but knew that in order to get back into the ranks, she had to please the princess by beating him and then she would give her another chance with her, after about twenty minutes of rolling around, Dave finally gained a slight advantage by getting Stacy under him and getting her legs tied up in a grapevine and the two of them with a bear hug on each other. He felt her sweaty breasts moving around on his chest and made him an even more excitable boy with his manhood trapped between her legs, rubbing against those soft woman bits. Stacy was starting to enjoy the feeling and Dave was too but both knew that if it when to another level from where it was Anna would come down and beat the crap out of both of them.

Dave released the grapevine and was going to try another move as Stacy was thinking the same thing and with one quick move, Dave's knee came up quickly and hit right in the middle of her pelvic bone. To women, this is almost the same as a guy getting hit in the family jewels. Stacy was in pain and Dave knew he had better end it quick. She let go of the bear hug because the pain was so intense and he moved up an sat on her stomach. “ Do you give ?” He asked as he saw the tears starting to form in her eyes. Bending down he whispered to her “Give now and play later. I'll give you a rematch if you want” With that she tried to throw a few knees to his back but the pain was too much and she finally gave. Dave helped her up as Stacy was holding her crotch area and the tears starting to stream down her face and she limped off as the princess came down from her perch and spoke Warrior that is two in your favor and I can see that the second hand maiden has greatly pleased you“ staring down at his engorged manhood ”I think you shall have yourself a pleasurable night but first my warrior, you must face your princess, I shall give you a half an hour to rest from your combat thus far before our confrontation.“ With that the princess walked out the door after Stacy leaving Dave in the pit area all to himself, resting and waiting.

The time passed quite slowly, with Dave having no idea how much time was left of the half hour. He figured he had been in this room for about a little more than an hour between fighting the two women and resting and it had to be sometime around 1:30 in the morning in real world time. The two women he had already beaten had taken a lot out of him and this break was a welcomed one if the video was any indication of how Anna could really put down when she had to. He sipped some water and paced the pit waiting for the return of the fighting princess. After a few moments more, the door finally opened and the Gothic princess returned to the field of battle. “Desmana has recovered from your submission hold and Stacy will be fine by the time we settle our business” she said. “They both await you for your pleasure my warrior, I trust you have nothing to do for the next day or so?” The princess said with a grin. “I have challenged another princess on your behalf” she continued “In a few weeks time I shall take you along with my two hand maidens and you shall battle her hand maidens with the women facing her warrior” Dave was trying to figure this all out in his mind but it was the princess who put it in perspective. “You see my handsome warrior, each princess is allowed two hand maidens, be they friend or foes, I have chosen mine from former princesses I have beaten who have lost favor but are true fighters none the less.” Then the princess looked up and down Dave's body nodding with approval as she did “And each member of royalty is allowed to have one warrior by there side, I have chosen you to replace my former as he no longer suits my purposes. But first, you must pass the final test!” With that, the princess reached down to the sides of her leather thong and undid the clasps that held it on and let it fall to the floor. Whit a quick snap of her leg the piece of leather was over by the wall and Dave got his first look at the naked beauty of the princess standing before him. They stood eye to eye, a few feet apart, Dave admiring the package before him. The princess was the same height as he, with a sleek yet powerful looking frame, she had to be into some sort of sport in a past life, be it gymnastics or running, but she had that sort of body. He also noticed the thick patch of black curly pubic hair just sitting there between her legs, he could only dream of getting his mouth there and working some magic of his own. The princess had been admiring Dave's package also, it had been a while since she had a warrior to please her highness but after meeting Dave a week ago and seeing him fight with both Desmana and Stacy tonight, she thought that this man could more fit the bill.

The princess Anna took one more look at her opponent and said We begin“. Before she had gotten the words out, the princess attached quickly. With a high arching kick to his left side , she drove her foot in, just below the ribcage. Dave was caught by surprise at the move and rolled off to his right to try to evade the onslaught of the princess but she meant to show him that she means business. As Dave landed on his feet from the roll, the princess was there and grabbed his hair with both hands and tried driving her knee into his chin several times but he had gotten his arms up in time to take most of the blows but knew that if this continued, one of these well placed bombs would find it's target and it would be over soon. After the third attempt at felling him with the knee, Dave took it apon himself to start to do sometime and took one arm and hooked it right at the knee of the planted leg, much like he did in the battle with Stacy and pulled with all his might to fell this warrior woman. The princess began to lose her balance but still had two hand full of Dave thick hair and as she went down she pulled his head in between her legs and pushing his head into that place that he was only dreaming of a few moments ago, The princess's thick, black pubic area. ”Drown my Pussy!“ She yelled at him tauntingly
His head was swimming as the events of the past few moments but the fighter's instincts kicked in as he was being pulled into a place at most men only dream about going. As he was being pulled in, Dave brought up his fists and rammed them into the princess's taut stomach. For the first time in the battle the princess had felt pain, she was not expecting the move and the wind was knocked out of her but she still had the vise grip lock on her warrior. He could see that the battle was turning the princess on by the musky smell that was filling his nostrils and clearing his head somewhat and he knew he had better take advantage of it before the princess paid him back for the treachery. The Warroir reached up with his arms and just barely got them on her breasts and started to squeeze them with all his might. The princess screaming, brought her fists together and tried subdue the warrior with a double ax handle smash to his neck, but in her position, the blows were taken by the larger back muscles and had little or no effect on him.

The warrior's finger's dug deep into the soft breast flesh and the princess was in pain still but either would give, nor concede. The warrior tried a different tactic and began to lick in that place that men only dreamed of while still his finger dug deeper into the fleshly orbs. The Princess had not expected this sort of attack and was shaken by it, just enough to give a little on the legs so that the warrior could finally get his head out of those steel coils of pain. He released the grip on the fair maiden's breast's and popped his head out and rolled a half a body away. The princess was still in a great deal of pain and he wanted to keep it that way. As he got up, he took his right foot and slammed it right into her breast bone for good measure, the warrior could see the princess convulse in pain and knew that he had to he her be fore she got him, after all, she didn't become a princess by giving her foe a second to recover, now did she ? He went over to her and tried to roll her over to get her in a Boston crab, a very painful submission hold and finally got the princess turned over , face down on the mat. She was still clutching her chest from the force of the blow and the warrior was about to lock on the finishing move to prove to the princess that she had not made a mistake. He had gotten the feet up in the air, knees bent and was about to bend back when the warrior felt his manhood being crushed. The princess had used her last once of strength to turn around and grab the warrior's family jewels in a desperate struggle to survive. The warrior fell back on top of her, he now the one in pain. The princess's hand still gripping the sac hard, not enough to damage the goods but enough to control the situation. She rolled him off to her side still clutching the sac and moved up to sit on his legs. The princess gave a quick, hard squeeze before speaking “ Do you give my warrior?”Squeezing again. Just the look of pain came from the warrior's face. “I ask you again, do you give my warrior?” SQUEEZING VERY HARD!!!!!!! “YES I GIVE!!” Yelled the warrior and the princess released the grip. The princess noticed the long rod before her and began to stroke it as she spoke. “ You have fought well my warrior, better than most I have seen. I would like to see you use that move with your tongue that you used on me with the prince's warrior” She said smiling. She noticed that there was something coming out of the tip or the rod and said “ I hope you don't mind, the girls will get you soon enough” with another smile and sat up a bit and impaled on the shaft. The princess continued as she rocked back and forth. “You have pleased me greatly, my handsome warrior, the battles will many and the rewards will be great. Do you think you live with that?” The princess looked down at him as the rocking had become more pronounced. As he moved his up to meet the rocking, the warrior answered “my princess, if the rewards are to be like this then I shall follow you in to battle an die for you if need be.” Returning the smile . The princess looked down at him and smiled and had to laugh, took an second and said “After the way you fought tonight you might not make it out of this weekend with the three of us”.